
Are any of the other Pro Choice people on here sick of being called...?

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A baby killer?

Just b/c Obama and all the rest of us who are pro-choice does not mean we support abortion- or "baby killing". It just means that we leave the decision to the woman, couple, family.

I am pro-choice- I have NEVER had an abortion, and I do not encourage them. I have had a close friend who received an abortion, a close friend who gave a baby up for adoption, and a close friend who had the baby and is raising him as a single parent. And guess what, I didn't give my two cents about what they should do, unless they asked me, I just supported them and their right to choose what to do. The main issue of Pro-choice isn't trying to talk everyone out there to get an abortion- it is about practicing safe s*x, keeping birth control available for everyone, teaching sexual education (which includes abstinence), and leaving the decision a PRIVATE FAMILY MATTER.

So to all the pro-lifers out there- how many of you have had a close friend or yourself gotten pregnant? Who made the decision for you on what to do with the baby?

(and try to answer this question honestly- not with screaming hatred)




  1. In a free world, the choice is the woman's. The religious nutters with beliefs rooted in the stone age will never believe it though!.

  2. What you religious pro lifers forget is that you are using "GOD" as a premise to an argument, God does not belong in policy making, and that is the bottom line here. This is a policy issue!

    --- should a government be allowed to stand in and make this decision based on some christian conception of when a fetus is a child blah blah blah-- unfortunately (in some situations)the fetus is a part of a woman's body, thereby making it part of a woman's choices she makes about said body; it has nothing to do with God or Morality or whatever guilt ridden terminology you want to label it with IN POLICY, maybe in your life it does, so be it; dont have an abortion; but dont for a d**n minute tell me that I can't or should not.  

  3. well since you have never had an abortion then you are not a murderer.  you simply support people having the option of murdering their unborn babies and not being held legally responsible for such a crime.  it's easy to be "pro-choice" once you are safely out of the womb and walking and talking in the world.  those fetuses feel pain when they are killed even when they are as small as a fist.  just food for thought.  the facts are this.  women don't need yet another choice because they have so very many.  just to name a few: adoption, condoms, pills, shots, diaphragms, abstinence, the patch...i could go on.

    and for those of you who will roll your eyes and assume i am religious, i am not (although i admit i was at one time)  i have a conscience and i have been smart enough to make it this far in my life without getting pregnant accidentally and i think others could be so responsible as well.  there are women in the world who aren't even lucky enough to be able to conceive!

    this question isn't a legitimate question either.  you weren't seeking knowledge.  you were using yahoo answers as a blog space which it is not meant to be.  you should get a blog space so you can rant there.

  4. I understand your thinking, but you must understand that pro life means just that.  I need to assume Your views on safe s*x would be regarding within the marriage optimum. If not then thats a whole other issue.  Please note that even birth control pills are considered against Gods plan by many because you are changing something that He created.  That said, then you must consider your view on abortion.  Does the procedure kill an unborn child?  In many States if a mother is murdered or killed and was carrying an unborn child and the child cannot be saved, it is considered murder of an unborn fetus.  You are stating that if the child is not wanted by the mother then it is not murder.  At what point in the pregnancey do you consider the fetus a child?  At what point in the pregnancy does the fetus have rights?  If it is only when the mother wants the child then there is a problem.  As far as teenage pregnancy I know extremely Christian parents that have had a daughter move away from abstenence training and become pregnant.  All I know, have had the baby, gotten married to the father and now have healthy families.  But that is because they returned to the training they had from their parents prior to the poor decison made by them causing the pregnancy.  You must understand that children recieve the training from the parents and then need to make their own decisions.  Passion, as we all know, clouds the issue.  If an adult Mother decides she doesn't want the baby, for various reasons that do not consider the rights of the child, You find it okay to kill the child if it has reached the stage you consider it a baby?   You see this issue is a lot deeper than your question.  I think you need to do some soul searching if you believe in Christ.  If you do not then ask yourself where your values come from?

  5. Yup, I am sick to death tired of it.

    I personally think it should be called what it is:

    Pro-Choice and Anti-Choice

    Just because I support a woman's choice does not mean that I encourage abortion.  

  6. A foetus is not a baby - and would not survive outside the womb until after 25 weeks (earlier cases are extremely rare).  Early terminations are not "killing babies" so the emotive term does not bother me.  I also don't think a woman should be forced, against her will, to carry something inside her she does not want.

    Anyone who disagrees ususlly does for religious reasons, and as you know religion is not rational.

  7. I don't think you personally are a baby killer, I just wonder who gets to decide for the baby.  

  8. I think this is an excellent question.

    I do not think anyone should have the right to decide what I do with my body.

    What about religions that will not allow a sick child to have professional medical help. Go bash them for awhile and leave us alone - that's all we really want anyway.  

  9. No. I am just sick of most pro-lifers. The time they spend whining about the "welfare" of something that doesn't even suffer through its death, they can put all their time and energy on the sentient children starving to death and wasting away. They are the real "baby-killers".

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