
Are any of these names yours? (Round two) If so, please answer?

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Hi - we're expecting a girl! I asked a week ago about some names because I'd like to get some input from people who have these names: what nicknames do you have? are there any bad words which can be made from your name? anything else? teasing? We have two children: James Grant and Leona Charlotte. The original list and some new additions are below.

Emmeline or Emlyn

Aileen, Eileen or Aila


Coral or Cora





Camilla or Camille



Louise or Louisa



Celia or Cecilia

Amalia (or Amelia)





  1. nora is nice

  2. No sorry,not one of them is my name!

  3. You have a lovely list of names!  None of them are my name, but believe me-children can/will come up with anything if they are going to tease someone.  Do not disregard a lovely name because it might get teased.  If someone is going to tease your child and their name is not an easy target, it will be their hair, their freckles, their shoes...just name your child what you wish and teach him/her to ignore teasing.

    I especially love Genevieve.  My youngest daughter is named Gwendalyn.  Both of those names are derived from the name Guineveire-Norse, I believe?  We chose it because my husband loved the name Wendy, but it was more of a nickname so we decided on Gwendalyn.  She is now called Gwendy, though.  We get a lot of compliments.

    I think Nora (or Norah) Genevieve would be a lovely name.

  4. I love your childrens names!!

    I know an Aileen - she seemed happy with her name!!

    I know a girl named Annalise who hates her name and goes by Annie.  She cracks if someone calls her Annalise.  I then know another Annalise who lovvvvvvves her name!!  

    I know a Coral who thinks her name is strange but likes it because it suits her.

    I know a Camille who likes her name, also because it suits her.

    I know heaps of Louise's who all like there name.

    I know 3 Claire's who also love there name.

    I know an Amelia who also likes her name.

  5. My name is Louise...I like it I suppose? It is just my name and wouldn't know any different because it always has been. I find it strange when other people have the name Louise because I don't often hear it as a first name...normally a middle name.

    I must like it enough to have given it to my daughter Adelina as a middle name. I really love all your names you have listed.

    As far as nicknames go, I got heaps...

    Lou, Lou-Lou, Weasle, Wease, Lucy, Lucy-Lou, Woolease or Wee Wee (from kids). They are just a few I can remember of the top of my head

  6. Wow I love your original names!  Leona Charlotte is STUNNING.  Never met a Leona in my life, and Charlotte is perfect with it.  James Grant is great and strong-sounding.  Love them!

    Emmeline---prn it as "emma line not lyn"

    Eileen--pretty sound, think of the song though

    Annalise--prefer Anneliese prn

    Cora--gorgeous, know only one, a newborn

    Genevieve--LOVE! Never known one.

    Elaina--pretty, but very popular

    Cecily--love, prefer Cecilia though


    Camilla/Camille--know one and she's 2.  Great name!

    Adele--love!  Prefer Adela though.

    Chloe--cute, know a few.

    Louise/Louisa--my mn and a top contender for baby #2 is Louisa

    Claire--known one and popular mn, cute

    Nora--have known two.  Great name.

    Celia--Gorgeous and sooo underused.  LOVE it!  Would go for it if it didn't rhyme with Amelia.

    Cecilia--ditto above.  

    Amalia--cute, but prefer Amelia.

    Amelia--my daughter's name and it's so popular.  It breaks my heart how popular it's gotten.  The only drawback I see to using it aside from the popularity issue is that a few people bring up the congenital disease "missing limbs", but most people don't know about it anyway.  Bothers me a little, but what can I do?  

    Great list!  So many of them are on my list too!

  7. None of those names are mine, but I'd like to inform you about a website. If you go to babynamesworld.parentsconnect and search for all of those names, they willl have a section devoted to bullying...real people with those names take surveys on how they have handled life as a Cecilia or a Genevieve, if they were bullied, etc. It's a really awesome tool to use, please take my advice and look it up! You just look up any name you want, go to its profile, click on the "Considering this Name?" tab, and it will tell you how people with the name felt about being called it, especially bullying! I'll put the link in my sources for you =)

  8. I have a few friends with these names. Let me see if i can help.

    Genevieve:  we call her Gigi, or Geeg.

    Evelyn: Levelyn, Eve, Ev.

    Camille: C-Mills, Mills, Millie,

    Chloe: Chlo.

    Claire: Claire-E or Claire-bear.

  9. Your children have great names! I love Leona Charlotte!!

    I soooo almost named my daughter Evelyn (and I like it spelled like that-it looks modern) but my hubby didnt like it. I LOVE it, it sounds so elegant. Sorry I dont know anyone with this name but I just wanted to tell you that i think it's beautiful. Also, how about Eva?

  10. well my name is claire

    i LOVE  my name and wouldn't change it for the world :) your daughter would thank you for the name and it means light and it means that your daughter would have boundless energy but also have a sensitive side.

    the nicknames i get are nothing bad, just like clairebear or claireyy and good things !

    and if you like a name you should go for it, even if some names come out of it, it just maters what you think of it.. and your daughter

  11. I really like Camilla Claire

    And for the nickname it should be Camy

  12. Annalise is the only one I can see that is obviously teasing material besides 'Snora' and 'E-Claire'.  Any name can be made fun of.Kids just have to be taught how to handle bullies and rude people. One of the best comebacks to teasing that I have heard is the reply, " So, is that your opinion?" ( what can they say?.yes or no)

    Having said that, I think Coral Adele and Elaina Louise are lovely combinations. I also like Nora Lorraine, although it isnt on your list. Coral Elaine, Nora Laureen, Lorraina Marie...having fun here, thanks! All the best!

  13. I don't have any of these names, personally, but a very good friend of mine is named Genevieve and I love it. It's a beautiful name that is not overused. She goes by Genny to her really close friends. My  daughter calls her Vi-vive. Her middle name is Claire, which goes nicely together.

  14. I do know a girl named Annalise and in school some kids would separate it when they said it "Annal-lise". Obviously she didn't think that was funny at all, but other than that I can't see any room for teasing. The name Genevieve is a lovely name, but I honestly would not want to have it. Can you imagine a kindergartner trying to spell that or having to spell it constantly to everyone you meet? It would get old fast. All of these names are lovely, including Annalise, if those mean kids would just not make fun of it lol.

  15. None of these names are mine, but I have friends with some of these sames.

    Emmalyn would either go with her full name or Emma.

    Annalise went by Leelee.

    Coral goes by Coco.

    Evelyn goes by Evie.

    Louise goes by Lo.

    No bad names intact. =-)

    And I think those ones are beautiful.

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