
Are any of you politicians paying attention to what people are saying here??Wake up and smell the coffee!?

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Are any of you politicians paying attention to what people are saying here??Wake up and smell the coffee!?




  1. Do you really think politicians are spending time reading the totally lame questions posted here?

  2. That's instant death.

    that's what all the stink is about.

    George gets in bed with Halifburton

    Cheney tells us to shut up

    They think this country is theirs to have to hold.

    and we

    are just extras and they are Lords and Kings and Queens.

    We are Commoners?........ They better ask somebody.

  3. They still think they don't stink.

  4. There are so many odd questions asked here, I would rather the candidates doing something productive.  Like answering emails form their official websites.

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