
Are any of you treading water yet?

by Guest62804  |  earlier

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because of t. s. fay?




  1. I'm still cleaning up down here in Miami. God knows we need the rain, but ALL AT ONCE??

  2. Hey, C.W.!

    I really hope you're not...!

    Believe it or not, about every ten years it FLOODS here!  (Talk about poor planning...! They FINALLY! built a couple  more bridges that don't wash out when they flood the Salt River...)

    There used to be ONLY ONE....!  That! was a good time....  

    Leaving FOUR HOURS EARLY to get to work on time... and STILL late...

    I finally told my "boss" (yeah-right) FOUR HOURS to make a 15 minute drive was my limit... and by golly, he shut up! about it! (?) Who knew...?

    Your situation, however is dangerous, and not all-that predictable...

    I really hope you and yours come out high and dry, and SAFE...!  }:>

  3. Not me, Cliff.

    I am not close to that area.

    Now, just where has this question been hiding?

  4. We are dry over here.We really need the rain, so send it on over. I have been in storms in CA. just like that. Where I used to live we had rain for 40 days straight one year, averaging about 6 inches a day. Once the ground gets saturated, then all that water just runs off and flooding occurs. I don't miss any of that. Just don't drive the car in that stuff, stay home and I hope you are high and dry.  

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