
Are any of you witches?

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ive never met a witch and i think there all dying out :(




  1. Were all Witches

  2. well what is your definition of witch? if you read the definition of witch in the dictionary then i fall in to that category of witch. if you mean powers and what not hollywood style there not real so no.

  3. We are EVERYWHERE! I have met and practiced with witches  from a wide assortment of professions (nurses, a collage professor, an author, a bartender, a microbiologist, an engineer, a realtor,computer programmers, security guards, delivery drivers, a preschool teacher). You have probably met one and did not even know it. We are regular people. And we are not dying out, our numbers are actually growing.

  4. Actually wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in the U.S.

    The fastest growing religion (in terms of percentage) is Wicca -- a Neopagan religion that is sometimes referred to as Witchcraft. Numbers of adherents went from 8,000 in 1990 to 134,000 in 2001. Their numbers of adherents are doubling about every 30 months. 4,5 Wiccans in Australia have a very similar growth pattern, from fewer than 2,000 in 1996 to 9,000 in 2001. 10 In Canada, Wiccans and other Neopagans showed the greatest percentage growth of any faith group. They totaled 21,080 members in 1991, an increase of 281% from 1990.

  5. I'll tell you why you've never met a witch...because they are not real. If there c**p was real then there never would have been any witch trials because they would have had spells or charms on them to protect themselves. Come on people, what century are we in?

  6. Don't you worry my friend, witches are not dying out.  There are plenty of us around - it's just something one doesn't often "advertise" about themselves out in the general public.

    Pleased to meet ya. :)

  7. Are you talking Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of Oz" witch, or Willow from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" witch?  The Willow type exists, though her powers are extremely over-exaggerated.  People who practice modern-day forms of paganism, especially the form called Wicca, are called witches.

  8. resubmit this question i s couple of days.. i'll show you a real witch.

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