
Are any other Brits annoyed by the attention Palin is getting on our news stations? ?

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I mean by talking about her and her stupid little life aren't you actually giving the republicans the attention they want and as such increasing the potential of their campaign....?

Plus there are much more important things going on in the world like where the Queen is currently visiting, the weather and such... :P




  1. Spoken like a true Brit! The weather and the Queen's meanderings are much more important! LOL

    I'm annoyed at the almost total lack of anything in the British media about McCain, until a lovely young woman gets picked by him. We've been inundated with everything about Obama and Clinton, for month after tedious month, and now - finally! - McCain is getting a wee mention along with much interest in his side-kick. If he'd picked a man, he still wouldn't be getting a mention. (Which raises the question of motive in picking a woman. And she's spouting tripe about God: she said she'd work to implement God's will from the governor's office, including creating jobs by building a pipeline to bring North Slope natural gas to North American markets. "God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said. So I already know she's nuts.)

    Well, suddenly, the Brits realise there's more than one man running for the USA Presidency. You'd think Obama had already been voted in, the way the British media presents things. But we've got another sodden weekend of rain coming up. The harvest can hardly be cut. And do our American cousins care?

  2. I'm not because I like her but I am annoyed that I can't vote in the US presidential election!

    Queen? I'm a Republican!

  3. Yes I agree with you our Media is giving this Election way too much coverage, anyone would think the Election was over here too. There are SO many more important News worthy issues that should be shown, instead the are over shadowed by this election and the candidates.

  4. I don't mind her getting coverage, because she's as hot as f**k.  But don't tell the wife.

    "Hockey Mom"?  she's welcome to give me a good beating with a hockey stick.  I'd enjoy that.

  5. I haven't seen him on TV since he did Pole to Pole.

  6. Yes, American politicians are brimful of deceit and what exactly are their policies?  Seems to me as long as you have a big, winning smile and a flashy suit and a dodgy pastor, that is all that is required.  I mean dont Americans require to know what these people are going to do when they get in power.  Its all about selling a dream, a mass hallucination.

  7. The election of the next president of the USA does of course have global significance but the amount of news coverage we seem to be getting here in Britain is ridiculous.

    Channel 4 news is my favourite offender with way too much disproportionate coverage of unimportant events and lead stories on the US elections.

    We are being pulled into the American way of personality politics

  8. @Duke 75. Ive just nearly pissed myself!!! hahahaha

  9. boring boring boring

    i couldn't give a toss about her

    in the UK, we are far more bothered about the latest batch of Big Brother nobodies

  10. Are you jealous? :)

  11. who is palin?

  12. American news gets covered alot over here, I mean everything.

    Sky news and BBC news even have an hour a night(every night btw) of AMERICAN news channels.

    I'm not certain but I bet it's not the other way around as well.

  13. I'm in the US and I think it's annoying the attention she's getting.  We have MUCH bigger things to talk about like the issues themselves - the economy, the war, etc - than to talk about her kids and her personal life.  

  14. She calls herself an ordinary mum,,a person who knows nothing about the daily life of a Vice president,,surely they`d want a person who DID know about the job and who wasn`t just ordinary but extra ordinary,,

  15. I didn't even know the woman existed until Monday! So far the British news media has focused almost exclusively on the Democrat campaign. I was beginning to think it was a one-horse race!

    You know, the general public are far more intelligent than the media think. We do not believe everything they tell us - including the weather forecast!

  16. Because the fundamentalism here in the US is spreading to our friends.

    We are borg, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile!

    Besides, we're like a soap opera that you don't want to watch, but once you do, you're hooked.

  17. As an American, I think I'm a bit confused as to why the coverage is so in depth over there. It doesn't really matter to you because you folks aren't voting here...

    But, she's pretty hot, so I don't mind seeing her.

  18. Us Canadians are sick of seeing it at the top of our11 o'clock *national* news.

  19. Sadly, what happens in the US is important for the rest of the world. Although hopefully with China and India now taking over as the superpowers the Americans will soon become irrelevant

  20. Oh yes. I am really sick of hearing about her now. I was thinking more about the price of drink and how to roast me babby. ;-)

  21. Palin?   Michael Palin?  I have no idea what you are on about so obviously I am not in the know and therefore not annoyed!

  22. I rarely watch the news, but I have noticed that she is getting an awful lot of air time, more so than our own politicians (Then again who can blame them? Brown is so boring, when he speaks it's like a glacier).  

  23. Yes, but then I'm annoyed by Palin full stop, for the reasons listed here (Borrowed from Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy site)

    1) Creationist sympathizer (at the very least)? Check.

    2) Against women’s rights? Check (yes, that link is ironic).

    3) Inexperienced, thus negating one of McCain’s planks for election? Check.

    4) Had no clue what the Vice President’s job even frackin’ was a few months ago? Check.

    5) Used in a pandering attempt by the McCain campaign to woo the disenfranchised women who wanted Hillary, in a completely transparent insult to their intelligence because it assumes that a woman will vote on a candidate just because she has an XX chromosome and will ignore the blatant fact that Palin will set the women’s movement back, oh, say, three hundred years? Check.

    Edited to add: 6) Iraq was ordained by God? Check.

    The original post, with links to support each point, can be found here:

  24. I must say it's irritating to say the least... It's been a really boring day: is this what I've got at the end of it? Surely, I deserve something better than this?!

  25. I'm American and I'm annoyed with all the attention Palin is getting. I wouldn't be interested in any other hockey mom on tv...

  26. to be honest no, I'm interested in the elections

    And hopes the Republicans win....

  27. I live in the US and i'm sick of seeing it.

    The media is just trying to make the fight even.

    Obama is killing McCain in the minds of everybody with one.

  28. I am starting to get sick of the media attention on her,it's not exactly a well balanced view on some stations but being british we are not taken in by people reading speeches they haven't written and patriotic flag waving,we prefer substance,that is why we are so apathetic towards our own government and politicians in general.

    The impact across the world from the US's elections are going to be massive,obahma = hope,McCain =disaster,we need less of these right wing extreme nationalistic capitalist types and more genuine honest folk...

  29. Nope not annoyed - i like her  and i've always been interested in American politics              ;  )

    I loved the joke she told -- "what's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull"?

    ANSWER:  *lippy*  or for our American cousins *lipstick*

    ROFL xx

  30. They all make me sick

  31. Yeah its annoying me too...and you are right where the Queen is currently visiting is way more important!

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