
Are any other parents as ready as I am for school to start? Are your kids driving u as CRAZY as mine?

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Just wondering.




  1. We are the other way round over here, we have one week of school left before they breakup for the 6weeks holiday & I can't wait !! No more pesky school run & now making lunchboxes at 7am YIPPEE !!

    Although I definatly know I will be wishing them to go back after a few weeks at home, especially if the weather doesn't cheer up !!!

  2. My 6 year old is driving me batty wanting to know when school starts! He is so excited about starting first grade. I am looking forward to it because he is so happy about it.

  3. ouch...thats pretty cold there....

    but my mom isnt ready for school to start at all not really drivin my mom crazy just because of the fact im pulling 60 hours a week at work

  4. fortunently my girlfriend is prego,(dont get it confused with the sauce.)and she wont be having a baby until after summer.

  5. yeah, back to school with em lol

    cant wait till they go to college

  6. I second everything AM said.  I love having my kids at home.  The only reason I look forward to school starting is because then all the badly behaved children on my street will be at school all day.

    (There are a couple nice kids I wouldn't mind staying home!)

  7. AAAHHHHH!!!!!!

    I thought I was the only one. I just had a baby and I haven't said it but yes I am going batty.

    While I don't miss the school runs and all that. My daughter is driving me nuts. She starts first grade in the fall and she is SOOO excited. The hard part will be when she discovers that her K teacher wont be her first grade teacher. I've tried explaining but I don't think she gets it.

  8. YES!! YES!!! I can't wait for school to start.. The fighting and the "I'm bored" is making me crazy!!!! Mine a supposed to start on Aug. 14th, but due to some renovation at the school they are thinking of setting it back two more weeks till the 1st week of Sept.  I may needs medication if this

  9. No no no I hate it when they are in school my day drags on forever!  I love the summer because I take them to swimming lessons, rollerskating, we play tennis together, hiking all fun stuff and I see it as bonding time

  10. Not me.  I home school.  My kids are home all the time with me.  I find since I started home schooling the kids became more behaved because they weren't confused with having to follow different rules in different places and then at home.  They also didn't have the influence of the "bad" kids, so being around kids that had better backgrounds really helped the attitudes.

  11. Does that count for a 20 yr old in college?  If yes then YES!

  12. I love having my kids home for summer! During the year, I only have the baby home, and the day drags on forever! The summer just gives us family time, even if they do drive me crazy sometimes.

  13. i wish summer vacation was longer! LOL i love having my 3 kids home!

  14. back to school? im ready for them to move out! so i can visit their homes and make a mess and not clean up, or put my dirty hands on their walls or maybe make something to eat and leave the dishes for them to clean up. oh and drop of a load of laundry!

  15. Well I may not be a kid anymore, but my mom says that she does miss it when I'm in school. Though it is very quiet and very peaceful she misses it. I guess it's because during the summer we do all sorts of things together, I'm going to be a sophomore in high school and I think it's important to do as many things as possible with her before I should leave for college (even though it's a couple years away).

    And when I'm in school as soon as I come home, it's have a small snack, head to my flute lesson, come home and do all my homework and then try to get a little relaxing in.

    I hope I don't drive my mother crazy, because I think we have a good time together.

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