
Are any other women offended by the assumption that we'll vote for Palin simply because she is a woman?

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I was a Hillary supporter who was on the fence, but the choice of Palin for VP over other better-qualified candidates has totally alienated me.




  1. I am happy with the ticket for my party.  I don't expect you to be happy with a republican ticket because you are a democrat.  So, shoo...

  2. You forgot the most important part.  McCain is alienating the black women, the latino women, the asian women to get the vote of the white american woman.

  3. R U assuming that an assumption is being made about Palin's s*x and voting?  I think the message is simply a fresh face in politics... If you see "s*x" in that message then you are the problem...Easy fix...

  4. Good for you. I hope more feel this way. To even suggest that this woman is in any way comparable in qualifications to Hillary Clinton is absurd.  

  5. Oh, h**l yeah!!

    How stupid does that ol f**t think we, as women are??

    I know he is hoping to capture the lost voted from Hilary...but hey..that lil alaskian queen crab is NO HILLARY I right girls??

    Barack N Roll!

  6. I agree. Palin does NOT support women's choice. Palin is shockingly anti-abortion in every single case..including if the mother's health/life is at risk, including rape....she is a scary choice...especially given McCain's age.

  7. No one thinks you will vote for her because she is a woman. She is a strong conservative which is what McCain needed. You should vote for her because she is a great choice.

  8. No. I'm proud that at least a woman somewhere is being given the chance to break the glass ceiling. The Democrats should have done it with Hillary. I still think she was cheated and treated abhorredly.

  9. Clinton was much better than Palin will ever dream of being. I'm voting Obama. s***w McCain and that stupid wanna-be.

    Shut up Vlad! You're the one whose c**p. How dare you insult Obama because of his religion! In case you haven't noticed, dimwit, this is America! Freedom of religion, remember?

  10. Too bad. I'd say you probably were an Obamabot to start with and it really wouldn't have mattered who McCain picked. After all you are apparently supporting a Presidential candidate with less experience and knowledge than the Republican Vice Presidential candidate!

    McCain/Palin '08

  11. She is a mother, a politician, a hard worker, and wife. And did not rely on her husbands political life to further hers you shoukld feel alienated

  12. I don't think that assumption is accurate. She will rally the conservatives, and only has to attract a 4-5% of undecided women to make the difference. None of the Abortionists are going to vote for Republicans regardless.

    Its a brilliant choice.

  13. But you think it is OK to vote for Hillary because she is a woman or vote for B. Hussein Obama because he is black, Right? I will vote for McCain/Palin. I will not vote for Hussein/Biden. The Hussein/Biden ticket is the scariest ticket this nation has ever seen.

  14. Anyone who assumes that just has to have a reason because they feel little and inadequate.

    For me, voting Palin is partly because she is a woman.. but also because she is not Obama.. I would vote almost anyone rather than him.

    I do not want anyone who has such a suspiciously racist past.  no one!  Guess it doesn't bother a lot of people.. but it bothers me.

    Oh and to " ditto"  how is it that it offends you that  anyone would vote Palin because she is a woman.. but doesn't offend you that people are voting Obama just because he is black.. how do you explain that?

  15. Absolutely it is so offensive. Not surprising though. John loves beauty queens or atleast as long as their face isn't injured. I think Obama is going to have Hillary as the Cheif of Universal Health & I think any women on the fence about him should see if he will take care of this, if this will make them happy. I love Obama, he is brilliant & kind & everything democratic. I didn't like some things I saw Hillary do but I am sure you saw Obama do somethings you aren't happy about. I decided to forgive cause I don't want 8 more years of republicans....Obama said 8 is enough. I hope you we can all just come together. The DNC was an example of democratic unity.

  16. Why should one find this offensive? Even if she was chosen to get the 'women' vote, as you imply, it's nothing new in politics to pander...

    I would like to believe, though, that she was chosen for her qualifications.

  17. I don't know about you but the central issue for me is that she symbolizes McCain's longstanding message for fiscal sanity and helping to cleanup the lawmakers in the congress.

    Sarah Palin has actually done something concrete this reform message before it became a central issue in his election. She opposes waste and special influences that bankrupt the nation.

  18. April, the thing i find curious about your question is, I live in NJ, I work with people and I have met people that were voting for Hillary simply because she was a woman. I was offended or sickened because people would vote based on s*x, but it was what they claimed they would do!

    I'm glad you wouldn't vote based on someone's s*x. I hope you are wise enough to vote the issue's and not vote based on what you assume was McCain's intentions. As no one person, can know another's true intentions, especially in this case. That would be as ignorant as voting based on someones s*x.


  19. The only women that will return to the extremist right are those that crossed over, thinking Hillary had a chance. But under closer scrutiny will realize it is not a good gamble to cross over for an unqualified woman who is just one pulse away from leading the free world.  Who would you rather face the rooskies? Biden or whats her name?


  20. wow, what makes you think you are so important? the choice shores up the base. It's not intended to get self important people to vote for him. Is everything about you?

  21. I actually don't understand your point, Palin is more qualified than Obama is and Obama thinks he can be President

    McCain Palin all the way

  22. Apparently having someone not influenced by Washington, by Lobbyists, by Corporations, or by long time politicians, is a problem for you??

    The Dems are for change ... but chose a life long politician.

    This is a finally a breath of fresh air!

  23. Anyone, Democrat or Republican, who thinks that Governor Palin was chosen "simply" because she's a woman deserves to have their butts handed to them, as Senator Biden will in the VP debate.

    Gov. Palin has a history of attacking establishment figures head-on, and defeating them. The best place outside of D.C. in which to do this is Alaska, where politics have become more calcified than almost anywhere else in the country. Her political resume includes sweeping out both a mayor and a governor in serious reform bids each time. If John McCain's only message this year was "reform in Washington", then Palin would be the perfect running mate.

    As far as shoring up his evangelical base, as many have noted that McCain needs to do, Palin is also an excellent choice. She's a credible pro-life and pro-family feminist, who was given the choice to terminate her last pregnancy when it was discovered that her son would be born with Down Syndrome. Although 9/10's of women elect to have an abortion in those cases, Palin kept her child, which has been an inspiration to women and families across the country.

    As far as her symbolic appeal goes, she represents far more than just women in the GOP. She, as well as Governor Jindal of Louisiana and even Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota, represents a new breed of Republican in this country. They are the next generation, free of any taint from Washington and especially President Bush. They remind us that "the future" doesn't just belong to the Democrats, but to all Americans.

  24. No, she's more than a woman, she's a ballbuster and gets things done, doesn't just lie down and get screwed by other women and men.

    McCain/Palin 08

  25. Me too. I was wondering the samething.

  26. Don't pull that woman c**p on us - we all know you're an Obama supporter who's crapping her pants over the thought of McCain actually winning some votes over a tactical choice.

    You can rub your eyes now and wake up. Yes, it's true - your little Messiah isn't as bulletproof as you once thought he was.

  27. I agree 100%. I think it was a cheap trick and basically what the Republicans told me with that is:

    Women are stupid and will vote their gender over the issues.

  28. If he is trying to attract Hillary supporters, then YES, I am offended. Palin's stances (what I can find of them so far) are the opposite of Hillary's, so if the assumption is that Hillary's supporters will be stupid enough to support any random woman is a ludicrous assumption.

  29. Let's be real. You weren't on the fence. You supported Hillary because you are ideologically leaning that way. I doubt a Republican was ever going to woo you.

  30. I have 5 sisters. They have all voice displeasure to me already today. They see it as clear pandering. Insulted was the word a few of them used.

  31. I'd like to see a credible link to a Republican source that states Palin was picked to attract women voters.  That assumption of your is the same as saying Dems picked Obama only to get the black vote.

    I think it's great that he refrained from picking a lawyer.

    I don't feel any 'assumption' to vote for McCain because he chose a woman.  What they stand for means the most to me.  

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