
Are any parts of the government corrupt?

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Any? If so which facets do you think are worst and why




  1. It is easier to ask which portions are NOT corrupt.

    The FBI and CIA both receive orders from the Executive branch which is the President. It is my opinion, based on the evidence made public, that the current President is absolutely corrupt.

  2. Every single one. On both sides of the isle.  Do you REALLY think they disagree? h**l no. They are playing us for fools and stealing our money at the same time.

  3. all of them

  4. all

  5. I worked at NASA for a year and on several occasions government workers would drink alcohol during lunch, then go back to work.

  6. All but not as much as most countries

  7. A country that will hold it's own people without cause or interrogate prisoners by methods we held trials for in previous wars is not heading in the right direction.  The true answer is for people to do unto others as we would like done to us, but we are all free to choose.

  8. Any place where there is power and distribution of resources, there is corruption. Corruption continues until a greater power stops it.

  9. Yes. If I talk about government, I live in Canada.I wasmentioning today that we work hard for our money, and they take taxes. They use that money, and pay politicians who do nothing good for our country. are using thta money for some public works, but not all are important, when they can use that money for univesity tuition to be lowered, or better healthcare, or other more important things, not just to pay for th prime ministers housing. esecially the rich people, they work hard and htey get ripped off. what democracy is this, they worked so hard to get where they are legally. and why property taxes? this world belongs to everyone not certain people, why should we pay for where we live on land, this world is not the governments, they dont own it. I heard that if a office working politician, and some other worker worked on something together. while the office politician sits in an office all day gets like 10 000 dollars a month or w/e, and that person doing all his work 7 dollars an hour. and the politican does nothingad gets no preoperty taxes. and with bad inflation prices, we're gonna bea freakin third world country soon. i think the government is corrupt if the ythink this is a democracy. im working for myself not anyone else. u get what u earn, and if they take ur money use it for something good, and no one is above th law than why should the governmetnal people have to pay no taxes,and we should. this is so stupid and unfair. this is a freakin corrupt world we are living in, filled with greed, i mean whats so great about having little peices of money called pieces of paper, when ur not even gonna use it, and it sits around in ur bank account, till the day u die. thats ridiculous. i mena how selfish is the government, waiting for moments to steal ur hard worked cash!

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