
Are any women here offended by the comments against Bristol Palin?

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As I go through yahoo answers, I've seen a lot of sexist remarks about mothers and single mothers. I was just wondering how many women get offended when they read comments like many posted about Sarah Palin and Bristol?




  1. no. they shouldnt be.

  2. Sorry, but in politics, there is NO SUCH THING as privacy.  Everyone knows it.  The Palins knew what they were getting in to when Sarah accepted the VP nomination.  She knew she would be dragged through the dirt as a mother and governor.  Obviously, she puts politics ahead of her family which is opposite of what she preaches as family values.  For God's sake, she has a special needs child that will need his mother and how is she going to be there if she is all around the world working as VP?  She will not have a lot of time, especially with all the crazy international things we are getting involved in as a country!

    Again, she and her family knew what would happen, so she deserves every bit of it.  American people need to know what kind of person we might put in charge!

    I also feel that even though Bristol is still "technically" a child, she has obviously made ADULT choices and therefor has crossed the line into adulthood and will now be treated as an adult, not protected as a child anymore!

  3. look, the bottom line is, what kind of mother puts her daughter through the ringer by accepting a job she is not qualified for....while at the same time abandoning her disabled child.

    wah, wah, wah, evagelical women and men--who's whining now?---you have thrown the baby out with the bathwater---thank you for making our country the laughing stock of the whole world.

    if you can stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

  4. Not really doesn't surprise me at all. It is unfair to the two of them to be massacred like this though. People hardly know anything about them. Apparently a mother who is a Republican with a pregnant teenage girl is the only information some need in order to cause a huge, unnecessary ordeal.

    I don't believe that they deserve this kind of treatment.

  5. yes... i am offended but not surprised

    then again we can only guess the moral fortitude that Palin and her family has...

    people in the media or more like talking puppets in my opinion who express the opinion of their station.. most are not expressing their personal opinions from the heart but merely as strategy... thank god for the internet where info is at our finger tips...

  6. I am very offended and deeply concerned that so many of my countrymen have such small minds.

  7. Prejudicial shaming is something we ignorant glorified apes like to do to each other as a way to manipulate and control our fellow man. The beauty of it is that that mother-fetus organism is sacred and untouchable -- no gossip can sully the mystery of that entity.  I say, Bristol, You go Grrrl (just make sure you take your prenatal vitamins, breastfeed, and use a condom or total abstinence next time! And start putting money away for the college fund now!)

    (edit) would these be the same "punish a girl with a baby" Democrats that brush adultery in the Oval Office under the rug (or smear it onto a blue dress) that would attempt to demonize a family -- one of thousands of families, BTW, many of whom are their loyal constituents -- supporting  keeping a pregnancy out of wedlock? Hmmmm...  Hypocrisy, anyone?

  8. You betcha! Especially the ones asking how Palin could possibly be vice president AND a good mother. Like the two cannot coincide. Maybe if women had been running the country the past several years, it wouldn't be in the shape it is now. Anybody ever think about that? There's no stopping a hard-working mom.

  9. I don't think its right for a 17 year old to be having kids. That's way to young and foolish for any young girl to be knocked up. I do think people should leave them alone.. making sexist comments won't help. They should volunteer at a baby care center or something instead of ridiculing.

  10. Deeply offended.  They need to stop talking about that poor girl and respect her privacy.

  11. No I am not offended because the off the cliff lefts would slaughter any information about the right winged opponents. They are just grasping!

  12. Many women, and men too were ofended by Senator McCain joke about Chelsey Clinton. Chelsey was only 16 years old then.

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

    Chelsey was not having s*x at 16 like Palin obviously has been.

  13. I'm offended by people who say nasty things about Bristol. She's still a child and should be protected against abuse.

    Sarah, on the other hand, is a grown woman who chose to go into politics. Nasty remarks go with the territory there.

  14. NOPE

  15. I bet some are, but I be most are more offended by McCain throwing ANY woman on the ticket to get the Hillary voters. Much like Black folks would be offended if they put Clarence Thomas on the ticket with McCain if Obama would have lost. Two completely different animals, and would be a slap in the face to black voters. Palin is complete opposite of Clinton and was maliciously placed there via snake-like tactics. I know most women are smarter than that and will see right through this.  

  16. Thanks for stealing my avatar...dude!  lol.

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