
Are anyones children experiencing these signs/symptoms? What condition could this be? Serious answers only?

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My sisters 4 yr old son is a very bright little boy..some things that he says makes you wonder how such intelligence could come from a little person! However he has a dark side as well, he does not listen at all..he could be spanked, timed out, have things taken away, threatened or all the above and nothing works. He doesnt have fear of anyone or anything..Authority does not intimidate him whatsoever! He has fierce temper tantrums, high energy, always has to have the last word and is very vindictive and sneaky. He says hurtful things to my sister and puts himself down also.

He seems to do well in daycare (time outs here and there for fighting) but is horrible at home..My sister tried getting help from the pediatrician and it was a dead end. No one understands what my sister is going through. The father isnt in the picture and he doesnt respect my sister at all..She is so stressed out, he comes to the point that he sometimes seems to hurt his 1 yr old sister and thinks its funny!!! Doing things like letting her fall off the bed or fall backwards. Its sad to see her deal with this and I dont know what to do to help. Does anyone experience this with a child? I will gladly give my email if someone could offer some help! Thank you and only serious responses please this isnt a funny situation!




  1. How old is your sister and is she mentally, physically and emotionally stable children do what they know they can get away with. Try to be more stern and take to a child psychologist.

  2. There are several cond. that could cause this type of behavior, however...since he only acts up at home, its not a condition.

    It sounds like a problem between him and his mommy.

    I am NOT saying she is the problem. At this age and of the intelligence his body/mind is going through a lot.

    If he is of higher intelligence, then his mind is running non stop. If he doesn't have something to keep him constantly occupied then he will start to misbehave even look for entertainment by hurting his sister.

    Which brings me to the mommy issue. If he doesn't feel that bond with mommy, feels neglected, ( baby, work etc) then he will lash out and show major disrespect.

    My suggestion is if she can drop the baby off at a sitter a couple days a week and just have mommy/son time. When he acts up ignore him (providing he isn't hurting himself or someone), if that is not possible hold him TIGHT until the fit/behavior stops.  

  3. I cant give you to much info but one of my best friends son was the same way, they said he was a.d.d and also had some mental problem. He was diagnosed when he was 5 years old. Its sad but he got so bad that the state took him away because he was hurting his brothers, sisters, and his mom. This kid was dangerous. The poor thing got so bad at 9 he was in hospital. I'm truly sorry you have to go through this and I'm sorry your son has this condition.

  4. I started reading your question and I realized the same symptoms one of my friend's family members is going through, and it carries on throughout ones life, and it can become very serious.

    child psychiatric help would be best to look into. It's best to see how his mind is functioning... not so much therapeutically, but medically. and if i could italicize the word "medically" i would. I worry therapy would only make him feel uncomfortable.

    Its best to look to a child psychiatrist that can evaluate the problem. My friend's family member who has this problem has ADHD, I dont know if your nephew has completely the same symptoms, but maybe that might help.

    Good Luck, and be sure to show him as much love as you can =)

    P.S. I guess this goes to prove how great minds have a reputation for being able to transcend all authoritative opposition

  5. The first part sound very much like my boy... he's almost 3 and super smart.  At daycare they keep charts of development and when he was 2 they already finished the 3-4 year old chart on him.

    He has a sense of humor that me and my wife have no idea how a 2-3 year old could have.  He just makes us laugh all the time....  but...

    He throws things including throwing things at his friends at daycare.  He pushes some of the little ones at daycare.  He is our only child, so most of his other interaction with kids is at daycare.  He hits, pulls hair and takes things away from both the kids and his teachers at daycare.  Nothing they do works and the same goes here at home.  We can ask him about what he did and if he thinks it was wrong and he will answer it exactly like it happened.  So, we know that HE knows what he is doing is wrong, but still can't find a way to get him to stop.

    It is very frustrating for us because he used to be a perfect little sweetheart (and he still is) but now he has these episodes where we have no idea where they came from.

    Pediatrician has given us some tips, some seem to works the first time, but then our son figures out what we are doing and just ignores it.  When in timeout, he usually sings and has his own fun little time so that is NOT working...  We just keep trying everything we can but nothing works more than a couple times.  We don't like the idea of spanking him for everything - it should be for very bad things we think, but even then it only seems to bother him for about 5-10 seconds then he is over it.

    Hmmm, I don't think I offered any advice/solution, but just to let you know that there are others out there going through similar situations.

    Oh, and he TESTS us on everything!  We say don't touch that, so he leans his head against it, then we tell him to stop that and he takes a toy and touches it, etc...  he does that with just about anything we tell him not to do.  Boy, that is frustrating (but sometimes makes me laugh at how resourceful he can be).

  6. It sounds like this child could benefit from a pediatric social worker look up ones in your area

  7. first of all i am only parent not a doctor. it seem to me that the child has attention deficit hyper disorder which is very real and should not br taken lightly .your sister needs to know that this is not her fault and there is hope through medication and counseling. it sounds like he husband might say no way are putting my son on meds but i will tell you this if it gets ignored your sister will have worse problems .i myself have add without the hyper part so i understand more what the little boy is going through .believe it or not there is also a disorder called obedient defiant disorder which could also be the problem well anyway good luck . and remember we only get one chance to raise our kids so by all means lets do the best we can.

  8. this might seem harsh but the next time he does something bad, tell him that if he does this again, yur sister will leave and never come back and yu will be living with wolves in a cave. yu will never have a mother and yu'll never get anything when she dies. and he will die of hunger and go to h**l. see if that scares him... if not. then stop wasting yur breath and then he should realize that he did wrong. he should feel a little guilty, unless he's a wolf-boy...

  9. OMG I wish I had an answer 2 ur question but

    all I  can say is Good luck

    and don't forget to pray! if you believe in God tell your sis to teach him Jesus's history and lead him to love Jesus!

  10. I would pass the pediatrician and head straight to a phycologist.

    He could have ODD, ADHD, or any other combo of things.. something that should be taken to a phycologist and not a pediatrician

  11. There are actually a few disorders (mental) that can cause him to act like that.  I would take him to see a phsychiatrist or to a behavioral health center to find out what is going on.  My son has done a few things similar and he was diagnosed with PDD/Aspergers but like I said there are a few disorders that have similar signs.  Either way it sounds like he needs to see a childrens psychiatrist to find out what is going on.  Maybe an overnight stay at a behavioral health clinic, I know Childrens Hospital has them, they monitor closely and diagnose based on what they see and from what others say happens at home and other places.  He needs the help now before he gets worse.  I know bipolar disorder is one of the disorders but I can't think of all the ones that were listed.  Just look up mental health disorders and you will see there are many out there and your nephew does sound like he has one of them.  

  12. My son was exactly the same, amazingly smart but everything seemed forced and he was very angry. We've been trying for YEARS to do something about his behaviour. He has 2 younger siblings and always showed his "mean side" around them & other kids at school. He was diagnosed with ADHD a while ago but nothing was done by doctors until recently.He's 9 now and has only just been put on medication that has helped him to become the most wonderful child. Keep trying with different pediatricians until you find one that your comfortable with & will listen to your sister & her son - show some emotion and tell them exactly how things are at home. Be your sisters strong shoulder to lean on - looking back I remember going through strong stages of depression and helplessness when I thought that was how life was going to be forever. I hope you find the help you need.

  13. well my sister was very much like that when we were kids. She use to beat me up all the time (we are 2 years difference in age) She would put me behind doors and close them on me, she would even beat my mom with a belt when my dad was at work and this was when my sister was I'd say about 9 years old, she also use to do some really weird things like go and empty the utensil drawers when my mom was watching tv and me and my brother were sleeping, she took real bad tantrums, she would go knock a book out of my moms hands and just stand their staring at her like she was the devil or something, as she got older she would steal she cheated on her husband (still going through that mess up) and well she did alot of really bad things from when she was very little up until now lol and now she is 27 years old. I would say about 3 or 4 years ago I hardly said anything to her but she got mad and jumped me, she took huge chunks out of my face with her finger nails, honestly when she lived here we would lock our doors at night, I was always scared she would try to kill me when I was sleeping or I was scared for my moms life. Anyways I could go on forever with the things she did and does. My sister saw different therapists constantly to try to figure out what was wrong with her but all they could come up with was something like by-polar but not quite or I should say by-polar with a mix of who knows what else. My mom went through h**l with her (still does) I feel so bad for her for everything she had to go through with my sister. My sister was on some meds (not sure what) and it helped a bit but she would only take them for so long. I can't even express to you how bad it was and sometimes still is. I'm not to sure what else you want me to tell you besides that it really sucks and it hurts to have to watch someone go through that with their child. I don't know what you would do in these bad situations, my mom tried so hard but there just isn't much help out there.  

  14. i went through the exact same scenario with my son, he did nt care what the punishment was if he wanted to do something he would do it , he is now 6 and he is still a handful , i did some research on this and if you look up a condition called ODD horrible name i know but it stands for oppositional defiance disorder , see if any of those symptoms sound familiar  if so the doctors would be the first port of cal  

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