
Are arab girls frowned upon if they do not wear a veil?

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I'm a muslim girl, and i'm planning on visiting Egypt soon.....I do not veil and i'm wondering if muslim girls in this country are thought less of, so to speak, for not doing so?




  1. I saw very few veils in Morocco, I've a friend living in Egypt at the moment I can ask him if you like. He's Muslim and hes been there for 5 years now so should have a good idea.

  2. I doubt it since the custom of females wearing a veil dates back to ancient Persia, long before Muslims entered the historic picture, and was later adopted by Muslims living in Persia (modern Iran) as a cross-cultural effect as well as fundamentalist Muslims such as the Taliban.

    My point is that the concept has nothing to do with Islam but was later adopted by 'some' Muslims.

    Ironically, Persians are not Arabs.

    If notice in most Arab-Muslim countries, especially in the urban cities, you'd be surprised to see just how Western they dress- and i would toss Cairo into that mix as well.

    I wouldn't worry.

    I'm sure most people in the urban parts of Cairo will be dressed like you anyways.

  3. only by the extremists

  4. I think that Eygpt is pretty unique. I mean if you are in a real rural area you probably want to put a scarf over your head, if you are not comfortable it does not have to be too tight. But if you are going to Cario or visiting the pyramids i would say no because a lot of tourists go there and they do not wear the hijab. I am a muslim girl and i dont wear hijab, but if i went to the west bank (i am palestinian) or iraq i would wear one just to be safe. After all, america is extremely different from the arab world. If you walk around a rural islamic occupied area dressed like a hoochi or looking desirable you are probably going to get stalked. Why do i say this? Because my cousin went to the west bank to visit her relatives with my grandmother, both dont wear hijab and she  refused. My grandmother been there a while and she told her she really should otherwise it may be freaky. So my grandma was wearing it but she did not. She was basically whistled at or like given the eye of perversion. SO let me make my point, rural islam area=scarf or urban cario or other popular tourist area = no scarf. Just pack one just in case. Have a wonderful trip. By the way tell king tut that i need my sandals back.  

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