
Are archeology and anthropology tied together?

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Are archeology and anthropology tied together?




  1. Yes, archaeology is a sub discipline of anthropology.

  2. Anthropology is the study of Humans.  Archeology is a subfield of anthropology.  Archeology focuses on materials to help determine what culture was like.  This is why this field typically studies past cultures, which are difficult to study by other methods.

    As a side note the other typically recognized subfields are: cultural, physical/biological, and linguistics.  There are others, and there are subfields to the subfields as well.

  3. Yes!  I only know because I work with a guy who is working on his anthropology degree.  He wants to be an archeologist.

  4. Archaeology is a specialty of anthropology.  I plan on taking archaeology.  It is wonderfully free of political fanaticism and focused on the study of ancient cultures.

  5. YES, Absolutely!  In fact as the science knowledge base expands differing fields of science are merging and genetics are being tied to anthropology & archeology.  Because fields will continue to overlap as the knowledge base grows one can expect an increased merging of fields leading to a general scientist that ties information together & specialists that examine specific points in detail. Archeology tends to go more into cultural aspects & Anthropology goes more into tracing evolution from the begining.

    Recently the field of genetics & DNA testing has become increasingly important to both fields in tracing human migration out of Africa. "The gene microcephalin (MCPH1) regulates brain size during development and has experienced positive selection in the lineage leading to Homo sapiens. Within modern humans, a group of closely related haplotypes at this locus, known as haplogroup D, rose from a single copy 37,000 years ago and swept to exceptionally high frequency (70% worldwide today) because of positive selection. "

    Hope I didn't get too long winded on this explaination?

  6. yes very much so.  You can't study older civilizations with out archeology

  7. Archaeology is one of four sub-fields in anthropology (though some schools include applied anthropology as a sub-field).  Anthropology is the study of culture; archaeology is the study of culture through material remains. Social/cultural anthropology is the study of cultural through contemporary (ie. living) peoples. Archaeology and cultural anthropology can be tied together in a few ways.  One of which is historical archaeology; some archaeologists work with older people (elders in indigenous societies) and compare that data with material remains that came from that particular era.

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