
Are atheist more open minded then theist?

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You see alot of atheist who knows alot about the bible and how god created earth and all that according to theists, and what creationism is all about. When was the last time you've seen a theist study about the big bang or other alternatives instead of creationism? Remember evolution and creationism is nothing alike, evolution just explains how things work, not how god poof things.




  1. How many atheists are willing to admit they might be wrong?  I've never met one so they can't be more open minded, theists believe what we believe and atheists believe what you believe.  Don't act like you're more open minded, that's just not true.

    Incidentally I have studied the Big Bang and still can't find anyone to tell me where the point came from that started it all or where space came from that the point was floating in.  According the best scientists nothing can just appear and it's impossible for matter not to have a beginning.  What's the beginning?

  2. I would say yes. My older brother is an Atheist and has a Computer Science Degree. But then again, Deist are also smarter and open minded than Theist.

    Deist with a B.A. Degree in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  3. generally i would say so, yes

    i would  like to adress the inconsistancy of the thumbs- down trolls here..

    90% of us have identical answers.. yet some receive more thumbs down... WTF?

    consistant hating is appreciated

  4. Really we hadn't noticed ..... Oh wait that would be the creationists answer .

  5. Yeah generally we are...but we are all different...

  6. No. They would claim to be of course, but that's because they don't listen to themselves.

  7. I am a theist and I've studied evolution.  I am studying to be an elementary school teacher, and I will be teaching my students about evolution.  And while many theists are close-minded, not all are.  There are exceptions to the norm in every group.

  8. I know I am. Most other atheists I've met are to.

    There are some that are just completely closed minded jackasses though.

  9. In general, yes they are.

  10. The delusion that is in the brain of the atheist is not to be compared with the intelligence of believers in Christ.

  11. Actually there are plenty of scientists who are theists.  Very, very few of them, however, subscribe to a literal belief in Genesis or fundamentalism.  Fundamentalism is, by its nature, very anti-science.

    But atheists are generally more open-minded than theists.  Theists, as a given, presume that they have the secrets to the universe locked up in their holy book.  Atheists generally prefer to examine the actual facts and see the world as it really is.

  12. Yeppers.

    Its been a while since I've seen a theist actually do research, even of their own holy books.

  13. *drinks*

    There are Christians that believe in Evolution, etc. etc., This only the 900th time this has been asked today...


  14. I don't think so. I think atheists are usually a lot more knowledgeable about the history of the catholic church than most christians. European history is filled with religious wars and all kinds of atrocities in the name of the catholic church. Knowing this, a lot of atheists have a very negative idea of the church and when they apply reason, the scientific approach and the big bang just make more sense.

    Though atheists often have a more educated opinion, it doesn't mean that they are more open minded.

    Atheists know what both the big bang and creationism are about, but just as theists deny the validity of the big bang model, atheists dismiss creationism just the same. The difference is that atheists more than theists take the time to learn about both and educate themselves before they form an opinion.

  15. sometimes both groups are close-minded. In general, I think creationists are more close-minded about scientific things.  

  16. Its been my experience that atheists tend to be more open minded and accepting yes.  

  17. Yes in my opinion and experience atheists are much more open minded.

  18. I believe theists are more open minded.  Many atheists don't find God because they won't open their minds into the spiritual realm.  Atheists want proof of the existence of God or they won't believe.  Theists have faith in the existence of God, and they obtain their proof afterwards when the Holy Spirit reveals it.  I don't believe the mind can be open to physical evidence only.  We can only see certain things, but not all that truly exist with just the naked eye.

  19. "When was the last time you've seen a theist study about the big bang or other alternatives instead of creationism?"

    Just about every day of my entire education. I am a Christian, and grew up attending Christian schools. We were taught the theory of evolution, not Creationism. My denomination (a rather large one) supports the teaching of the theory of evolution, and we're hardly alone in that. You'll find that Creationists form a very small minority within Christianity. Most Christians are not, in fact, Creationists.

    I know many Christians, myself included, who are quite ready to explore new ideas, including ideas that openly conflict with Christianity. I've attended many non-Christian lectures, services and functions, and frequently attend atheist lectures.  

    I've found, of course, that many atheists are quite open-minded. However, I do know a few who automatically shut out any argument that is derived from a religious source. They won't even listen to it, and dismiss it automatically. That's hardly a sign of open-mindedness.

    The answer is, it's true that many atheists are more open-minded than theists. But there are exceptions to every rule, and I've encountered quite a few highly open-minded theists, including members of the clergy.

  20. I have never, in my entire life, met a Creationist who had even a layman's understanding of evolution, etc.

    This is the PROOF that the only reason Christianity survives today is through ignorance.

    And that is why church leaders are trying so desperately to keep our children from getting a proper education.

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