
Are atheists scared of the gospel of Saul of Tarsus?

by  |  earlier

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Because some sure seem to want us to preach Christ more, so does that mean that they're scared of the Gospel of Saul of Tarsus, which is not Jesus' by the way. :)




  1. Nope. I'm not scared of Bulfinch's Mythology either. Or any other work of fiction, for that matter.

  2. Loin is actually still here...but he is ignoring us...sort of...I suspect he is reviewing all our stuff, but won't dignify our presence with a response...

    ...I suspect Loin doesn't play well with others...

  3. I quiver.

  4. As long as you don't knock on my door,we're cool.Preach(bore)away to your little hearts' content.Is that really Saul of foot(or ankle-bone)?I'm not scared of ghosts.They do not exist.

  5. Yes.

  6. Baby, I ain't ascared of nutin'.

  7. The Jews he persecuted knew Saul was bad news.

    They were onto something.  

  8. Terrified.  I have recurring nightmares about it.

  9. Are you a Babby? 'Cause you sure smell good & much for a leg? Just one...

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