
Are atheists trying to squash religious freedoms?

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I just read an answer to one of my questions that said that atheists are trying to squash religious freedoms. Just curious about whether it's just that answerer that feels that way, or if others do as well.

If you agree with that person's statements, please explain why.




  1. No, but some Christians in the USA are trying to impose a theocracy. America is not a Christian nation. Keep creationist BS out of public schools.

    Deist with a B.A. degree in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  2. Naw. Atheists are just looking for something to do since they got time on their hands every Sunday morning, Easter, Ramadan, Passover, Sabbath, Etc.

  3. I believe it does not matter what the world is doing. I WILL ALWAYS BE FREE TO WORSHIP MY GOD. If I should be alive when we will be repressed and truly persecuted for belief in God as in Rome during Christ's time I would rather give up my life for Him and be with Him then here as those people of that time also.

  4. Yeah, we're trying to squash Christians' freedom to squash everyone else's religious freedom.  Aren't we b******s?

  5. With the general population being divided in their religious views so much, I think relgion should be kept out of rules and the law. What you want to believe is fine.

  6. Absolutely yes!  The atheists are doing this!  They are militant in their attempts to squash the Christian faith.  They have already caused a great deal of damage in the US and even in other countries.  We need to stand strong and be in the Spirit to overcome the enemy.

  7. I think at best atheists are trying to prevent religious oppression, but at worst are being oppressive themselves. It all depends on how they act and whether or not they try to force their will on others, and the same goes for the religious people. Those who seek to inform rather than dictate behavior are the ones that are not squashing freedoms, those that simply seek to force their will on others they do not agree with are squashing freedoms. It's called positive and negative liberty, positive liberty is freedom to do something (such as pursue happiness or a God) and negative liberty is freedom from something (such as oppression or being prevented from worshiping a God).

    In the end they are both religious behaviors and not spiritual ones, religion being defined as a collection of individuals who commit spiritual practices together in some form, and spiritual being a relationship between an individual and some higher power they recognize or have faith in.  

  8. That would certainly explain our almost manic attacks on the Amish and our undying hatred for Wiccans and the John Frumians . It's because we hate freedom. In fact, I have a couple Jehovah's Witnesses tied up in my basement. Gotta go give them the lotion.

  9. Well I just want to comment on those that say they are atheists but are "open" to things. You are an "agnostic"- you are questioning things, and you just "don't know." An atheist is a person who "knows" that there isn't a god. Smart, huh?

  10. If by squash religious freedoms you mean trying to stop fundies from turning the US into a theocratic dictatorship then yes.

  11. Just "extremist Atheists", for lack of a better term.

    Some Atheists are remind me of the "Kyle's Mom" sort of person.  They try to squash everyone who believes differently and don't care if that person's freedoms are stripped.  Lucky for us Christians, there are plenty of Atheists who just don't care.  As long as you're not telling him/her and his/her children that they have to follow any religion or religious custom, then they don't have a problem.

  12. i don't agree, i just think that atheists should be given the same respect as the religious, this obviously isn't happening. equality for all, religious or not.

  13. Atheists hate religion so much they want it to all end. They want every single religious person to die. That's how mean they are.  

  14. That only happens in Communist countries. In the US there is only some faulty interpretations of the "separation of church and state" which has caused some pretty ridiculous responses but no real squashing.  

  15. Atheists are wonderful people in many ways.  I personally believe that religion becomes toxic in the hands of people who are unbalanced and need something outside of themselves to validate who they are and what they believe.  I don't care what another person believes, but if they are trying to win as many people to their side as possible to validate their own personal choices then I think they need a therapist in lieu of Jesus or any other idol.  And for my money, if there's to be a p*ssing contest about squashing religious freedoms, I'd like to point out who has ruled that arena for far too long...

    Hint: It's not atheists.

  16. Squash is such a hard word.  Unfortunately and much to my chagrin we are not. Re-educating may be a better word.

  17. Yeah, it's not fair that atheists have the freedom to Not Pray in public schools.  They walk around all day, not praying.  How is that fair?

    (actually, I'm paraphrasing someone who posted on here a few weeks ago.)

  18. Yes, they are. their feelings of inadequacy are causing them to have second thoughts about God, so they want to eliminate the temptation to believe. They are also mad because when they die, they'll be all dressed up with nowhere to go!

  19. No!

    And I don';t care what you do as long as you keep your ''stuff'', in your churches, and in your homes, and not let it ''leek'' out into the public buildings, and politics/government, and society to ''prey'' on the rest of us!

    You are entitled to your beliefs, bu I don't want them infringing on what I do, or how I think! Your rules are your rules, not mine!

    If I want to have s*x, or have s*x with another woman, that is MY business, and it has nothing to so with you!

    This is MY body, and it is MY right to choose what I do with it, to it, or about it!!

    I will heed the laws of the land!!   YOUR laws hold no importance to me whatsoever!!!

    As long as we are straight about all of that?, then we will get along just fine!!!

  20. answer: No.  In the US that would be Christians complaining because they aren't being given special privileges in laws, government and schools any longer.  

    A vocal number of Christians want the 10 Commandments up in court houses but throw a fit if someone suggests the Noble Virtues from Heathenism along side the Commandments.  

    A vocal number of Christians want nativity scenes on government property but objects to the words "Happy Holidays".

  21. Are you honestly serious about this question?!

    Do you realize how long it took to legalize g*y marriage in American, and only in a few states?

    Do you realize that if the fundies get their way, teenagers will not be allowed to choose an abortion? Neither will women who know they can't safely carry a baby?

    Don't you talk to me about freedom. You wouldn't know justice if it smacked in the face.

  22. We're trying to squash the notion of religious privilege (i.e One religion should be catered to [Christianity if we're taking about America] by the government).

  23. Like keeping homosexuals from marrying, making kids pray our prayers in school, coming to your door pushing our beliefs?

    Yep, that the Atheists, all right.

  24. Um... I'm an atheist and I'm sure not trying to do that.  I think religion is very interesting and I fully respect it.  In fact, I'm planning on going to college for archaeology/anthropology, both of which will require multiple religion courses.  Just because I don't believe in a religion doesn't mean I don't want it to exist.

  25. Well, it's not so much religious freedom as stupidity and belief in Fairytales, so in a way, we are. But, we only do this because we know we are right and Religious people have no proof to proove otherwise.

  26. In the USA - No! They are simply trying to ensure that the separation of church and state remain that way, just like the founding fathers wanted.

    As christian groups get more and more politically influential they feel that it is necessary to strike back. Religious freedom is not the issue, teaching that ONLY christianity is right and ONLY christian points of view is the issue.

  27. No we aren't. were trying to squash religion and idiocy, but not to force it on people.

    We aren't trying to force people not to believe, we're just trying to convince them through logic and reason to stop believing.

  28. So... what about Christians oppressing the Islams, Buddhists, Chinese and Atheists?

    What about all those times where Christians force their religion down our throats?

    Most Atheists only discourage the use of religion in politics, economy, and romance. If you wish to practice it, you are free to do so. Just don't mix it with your society.

  29. No, as an atheist I believe that it is a universal human right to believe what you want and express those beliefs how you choose. However, it is also a universal human right to query and critique those beliefs.

    As an atheist, my actions are in accordance with the theists human rights - not squashing them.

    However, when a theist forces the teaching of religion in schools, that is when religious freedoms are lost.  

  30. No. True atheists think that religious people are free to believe whatever they like. But where those beliefs defy reason they are open to challenge. And proselytising should be challenged.  

  31.   Have to agree with the first two.  It is Christians that are squashing the other religions and none believers.  Because unison now...Everyone but them is going to h**l.

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