
Are atheists vegetarian...?

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Are atheists vegetarian...?




  1. im a pagan atheist and im vege, but thats just me

  2. Atheist means someone who does not believe in any God.

    Vegetarian means someone who does not eat meat.

    The two terms are not connected in any way.

  3. Some are, I'm sure. Not me.

  4. Some can be, I'm not. I like the taste of meat.  

  5. some are some aren't. thats like asking are christians vegetarian

  6. Not this atheist.

  7. This one isn't, but I've some that are.

  8. Atheism and vegetarian are unrelated.

    Personally, I am both an atheist and a vegetarian. Not for any sort of moral reason, simply because I do not like the taste or texture of meat.

    Some atheists are, some are not. I cannot imagine what prompted you to link the two.  

  9. Not this one.

  10. what? that's like asking if christians eat carrots, some do some don't

  11. yes/no

  12. I am, mainly for health reasons, although I am really bothered by killing or eating anything with a face.

  13. Some are, some aren't.

    I haven't eaten meat for 5 years, my (atheist) good friend ate a cheeseburger yesterday.

  14. Some are.

    Some aren't.

    Being an atheist has very little to do with the choice to be a vegetarian or vegan.

  15. Not this one: I had an awesome hot corned beef on kaiser roll sandwich for lunch.

  16. Some are.  I'm not.

  17. I imagine that some are.

    But I have to wonder...what is a "pagan atheist"??

  18. I'm an atheist vegetarian, but I didn't know that was very common.

  19. only real ones lol

  20. Atheists are people with no religious beliefs or values.

    So why would it really matter if they were or not?

  21. i personally am, for the most part. i occasionally eat meat.

  22. If babies are a vegetable.

  23. Some are and some aren't generalizing is a sign of stupidity.

  24. Depends on the atheist. I'm not.

  25. some are, some aren't.  I'm not.  What does vegetarianism have to do with atheism?

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