
Are auras and "halos" the same thing?

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Like in Bible story books..there would be a white circle around their heads. I think there was more of a reason for doing this than just to show who's holy and who's not. (Seems like there should have been a black halo for the mean ones.) Do you know anything historically or Biblically about halos?




  1. I think they are. And oh by the way aura's HAVE been proven through a scientific way of photographing them it's called Kirlian Photography Look it up! I wish people would know what they were talking about before answering!!!!!!

  2. Halos are for the saints and auras are for those people who are so far above us commoners that they kinda glow in the dark.

  3. HA! you hypocrite. You said that you had lost all your respect for me when I posted in this section and I was all upset that someone out there thought I was an idiot and now HERE YOU ARE doin' the same thing!! Ha!

    By the way, I posted a comment in one of your old questions about the aforementioned hatred you proclaimed for me.

  4. yes the halos around their heads are represented as their auras....

    EDIT can i suggest you hire a movie called .."The Celestine Prophecy" ....

    maybe im wrong with halo,s being aura,s ill have to look into it... but i did read somewhere that halo,s only appeared in paintings after a certain time.....

  5. Halo comes from the Greek word for the sun. The pre-Christian Romans worshiped a sun god named Helios. The yellow circle depicting the sun was an obvious symbol of him and was behind his head in paintings. When Christianity merged with this pagan religion (as it would continue to merge with other religions over time), it carried over a trapping of sun worship in the form of Helio's golden halo. It also carried over Helios's  day of worship into Christianity as well: SUN-day. The original day of worship for Christians is Saturday.

    Hence, the "halos" you see didn't exist in Biblical paintings until after Romans began worshiping  Christianity, and have nothing to do with auras.

  6. Denie, as far as I can tell the idea of halos is just a supernatural mark of distinction.  It probably has roots in some ancient myth, like a crown of light or something like that.

    Auras are a New Age invention.  Because when it comes to things New Age, nothing is as it appears.  It seems there must be some sort of magical, mystical angle on everything.  Auras are just the visual manifestation of your cosmic vibe.  They are the extension of our astral body.  It has never been demonstrated that auras actually exist.  It has been demonstrated more than once that someone claiming to be able to see them actuall can't.

    P.S. The Celestine Prophecy is a novel.  Novels are by definition fiction.

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