
Are autistic spectrum disorders properly understood in today’s society?

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I'm in yr 12 at school and in my Child Studies i am doing a 'special study' on childhood autism (birth to 6yrs of age).

Does anyone regularly deal with autistic children, and if so, do you believe the child would benefit from special schooling or normal mainstream schooling?

also, do u know of any association or something that i could interview over telephone?




  1. Autistic children need Special schooling. I work with kids with special needs and I can say that autistic kids,most of them are very smart. some are verbal and others are not,, You may contact the School Distric of your area and ask for the Special Education Program and ask them for help. I am sure that they will help you.  

  2. I work with autistic children.  In terms of their being understood, I would have to say that the issue is evolving.  More and more research is being done but there are still educators, doctors, therapists etc. who misdiagnose it.  ADHD, anxiety based disorders and prenatal drug exposure can sometimes look like autism.  UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute is a good place to get an interview.  They seem to be doing some cutting edge research.

    In terms of schooling, there is a form of therapy called Applied Behavioral Analysis that seems to have some very good outcomes.  I have seen children that I thought would go into special ed. that were able to make it in regular ed. with ABA.  The key is to start early (before age 4).  

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