
Are automatic promotions affected by being flagged.....?

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i entered in the service last august on the 22nd. i am 6 percent over my body fat percentage (today is august 20) and this is the first time i have been taped since being in my unit....but i havent been in for one year yet, and according to AR 600-9 soldiers have 1 Year from entry to Active Army to meet standards before they are flagged IAW 600-8-2. My first sgt has told me that i am already flagged and cannot be promoted but, not only have i not been in for one year yet, i have heard from many people that this does not affect automatic promotions, and everyone else who came in the same day as me got promoted this right and is there anything i can do....ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS, I DONT WANT TO HEAR ANY c**p ABOUT I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT MY WEIGHT BEOFRE...IM ALREADY AWARE OF MY MISTAKES.....THANKS




  1. Don't know about the Army but in the Air Force I used to run the weight control program at my base and I saw many promotions placed on "administrative hold" because of being overweight and in violation with then USAF Reg. 160-43. Contact the JAG's office if you think you got a raw deal but my guess is unless you are in a combat MOS and are needed for mission completion you are SOL.

  2. You will not be able to be promoted until the flag is removed. I use to work with flags. No good thing can happen to you if you have a flag on your record.

  3. Yes, they are.

    A flag is suspension of favorable actions, and being promoted (automatically or not) is a favorable action.

    AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted promotions and reductions), Para 2-3 states:

    c. Eligibility criteria for automatic promotion to PV2, PFC, and SPC will be as follows:

    (1) The promotion to PV2 requirement is 6 months TIS.

    (2) The promotion to PFC requirements are 12 months TIS and 4 months TIMIG.

    (3) The promotion to SPC requirements are 24 months TIS and 6 months TIMIG.

    (4) Soldiers must not be flagged or barred from reenlistment.

    Subparagrpah 4 is the one that applies in this case.

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