
Are avacodos fattening?

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  1. yes, they are extremely high in fat, but its the "good" (monounsaturated) fat which helps, but at the extreme amount, if you are doing it for weight reasons its still not good, for heart/cardiovascular, its good for you.

  2. yeah i recently read an article about this in a magazine. contrary to popular belief, avacados are actually very good for you. all though they are higher in fat than most fruits or vegetables, they are the "good" fat, and therefore good for you. (not to mention delicious)!  

  3. They can be, if you eat a heck of a lot of avocado, but then again you could say the same for just about everything edible.

    Avocados have a lot of fat, but it's the GOOD kind of fat that actually does wonders for your body. However, fat is high in calories, so a single avocado (the size of a small pear) could easily have 300-400 calories in it.

    I like to use avocado moderately, like others do with butter or cheese - minus all the artery-clogging fat - I just use a butter knife and spread it on bread and salt it lightly, or I cut it finely into a salad. I don't overdo it, and then I don't have to worry too much about it.

    Guacamole is still healthier than cheese or ranch dip, and lower in calories, but nothing beats salsa. :)

  4. A medium-sized avocado has about 30 grams of fat...that's about the same as a Big Mac from McDonald's. Unlike the Big Mac, however, avocados have no cholesterol.

  5. No they are not. Pretty much any fruit or veggie is not fattening. Avacodos don't have much sugar content either! It all depends on what you put on them or mix them with that will change the fat content. I hope I helped!

    Yes like that other poster mentioned, they contain the good fat. There is bad fats and good fats. What that means is fruits and veggies have natural energy nutrients our body needs to boost our metabolism!!!! In comparison you would not want to consume potato chips a lot, they contain the bad fat that our body stores instead of burning it. Veggies and fruits have the fat content that burns for energy.

  6. Yes they are we grow them and the oil levels are very high. We even use it to make oil out of it and make up. It is also very bad for people with colestrol.

    But omg do I love them to bits, eat them when ever and where ever I go.

  7. yes and no...they have fat in them, but it's the good, natural fat... so yes but it doesn't matter

  8. I am unsure, but if they are it is natural fat.

  9. Well, that depends on how much of it you eat. They are very high in fat, but it's the good kind. If you eat them in moderation they can definitely be part of a healthy diet.

  10. They are if you eat them frequently but they are very nutritious. They are an excellent source of potassium, folic acid, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Their high oil content is 70% monounsaturated, much like olive oil, which means it's good for you. Avocados also contain significant quantities of the antioxidant lutein, which research shows to be beneficial for eye health. Monounsaturated fat the 'good fat'

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