
Are bald - faced hornets poisones?

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My brother saw one and my cousin said that they were really bad so tell me are they bad. Because I garden.




  1. They can sting, but to most people they are not poisionious like a black widow spider would be. Some people are allergic to bees and wasps and a sting could be life threatening. Bald faced hornets live in large paper nests and are about as agressive as African "killer" bees. If the nest is disturbed, it can trigger an attack by dozens of angry wasps. Bees can sting only once, but a wasp can sting as many times as it wants to. Like all paper wasps, bald faced hornets begin their colony as a single queen who raises workers. By late July the colony contains thousands of wasps and the next generation of queens is produced. By mid October, the nest is nearly abandoned, the queens flying off to hibernate until next spring when the cycle starts again. None of the workers survive the winter. Wasps and hornets are preditors which are beneficial insects. They destroy other insects like catepillars and grasshoppers.

  2. all hornets, wasps and bees are venomous, ie envenomate via injection. Typically a single sting will produce mild swelling and mild pain. Unless you are allergic, then the story changes.

  3. They're venomous, but the venom isn't particularly dangerous to most people.  Some are allergic and can go into anaphylactic shock after being stung.  It's similar to a bee sting, though because hornets are larger than honeybees, they may deliver slightly more venom when they sting.

    And even if you're not allergic, it hurts - so don't get stung.

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