
Are ballet bond issues taxation without proper representation?

by  |  earlier

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After all they are imposed taxes on future taxpayers who cannot yet vote!




  1. You are confused.  Ballet is supported by ticket sales or contributions to the tax exempt dance company itself.  They are not supported by bond issues although public theaters where they are performed might be.

  2. 1. no.  Guvt voted for the bonds.  Yu voted for the guvt.

  3. Those taxpayers can always press to have the tax tossed once they become of age to vote.

  4. Of course not, all government bonds are done that way.  The unborn do not get to vote, sorry, so there is no taxation without representation.  They end up paying the debt, true, but they also get the community benefit of whatever the bond applies to (in your example it's apparently the ballet?)

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