
Are bananas going extinct?

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Are bananas going extinct?




  1. I heard from a TV program my class watched in Environmental Science that since bats are being poached in the country that grows the majority of bananas they aren't being pollinated to the same extent... so I guess in time bananas could become endangered if the poaching continues.

  2. Yes

    There was an article in the news that the population of monkeys were growing so they need more bananas then they actullay got so yes there are.

  3. What makes you ask that? I don't think so.

  4. A global effort is now under way to save the fruit-an effort defined by two opposing visions of how best to address the looming crisis. On one side are traditional banana growers, who raise experimental breeds in the fields, trying to create a replacement plant that looks and tastes so similar to the Cavendish that consumers won´t notice the difference. On the other side are bioengineers are manipulating the plant´s chromosomes, sometimes crossing them with DNA from other species, with the goal of inventing a tougher Cavendish that will resist Panama disease and other ailments.

    Banana experts disagree that there is no way to effectively combat Panama disease and no Cavendish replacement in sight. And so traditional scientists and geneticists are in a race-against one another, for certain, but mostly against time.

    ha ha... who knew?

  5. Of course not!

  6. There has been one variety, the Gros Michael, lost to United Fruit/Chiquita growing only one clone in massive monocultures. The Cavendish, our current seedless banana type, was selected to be grown as the next clone and it is succumbing to fungal infections it its turn.

    In the wild the banana (Musa) still reproduces with seed bearing fruit.

    In other countries several other bananas are grown domestically. Banana varieties

  7. nooooooooooo

    who told you that monkey buisness

  8. i dont think sooo

  9. No! Our at least I dont think so.

  10. no

  11. i heard they are and they are just replicating one type of banana

  12. I hope not - otherwise, I ate an endangered species for lunch

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