
Are beautiful women always sucessful?

by Guest44885  |  earlier

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Are beautiful women always sucessful?




  1. No.  Often times they are pigeon-holed and not taken seriously.  Many times beauty can be a curse, and many beautiful women are victims of child sexual abuse and date rape.  There are many cases in Hollywood of beautiful, but unsuccessful women committing suicide.  I remember a book called "Hollywood Babylon" that featured many.

  2. At certain things, yes.

  3. A lot are but not all.I knew a girl once tall, skinny blond nice tan who became a druggie and lost everything.

  4. No. Neither are handsom men.

  5. Not always. In fact, I would imagine it would be tough finding someone that really cares about her as a person instead of just a trophy.

  6. No. People who are rich in the first place are successful (money wise).

  7. No. My mom is a perfect example.

    She was successful in landing a rich husband and making a lot of friends.

    But, she's still insecure b/c she can't attain her own personal success. She always says how she wishes she had an education and was somebody.

  8. yes, yes they are Vincent... every beautiful women in the world is successful, every-time.

  9. More likely because they get guy's to hire them just because they look good. And a lot of good looking woman have money that is not earned by there brians, it usually comes from a man there hooked up with or married to.

  10. no

  11. uhm. i don't think so...ok look at it this way when you are at/were in school there were HARDLY any girls that are pretty and smart most of them were pretty and dumb or ugly and smart or okay looking and smart or dumb idk buh it all depends :]

  12. No...i know this hot girl who is ugly and doesnt like cake. ^.^

  13. They are always successful in provoking jealousy of hairy feminist bullies.

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