
Are bed bugs real?

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if they do what are they?




  1. yes they are real.

    Just wash your bedding regularly and you will be fine.

  2. Yeah they are.. This one cleaner guy came by and just talked to us about cleaning our home, and he asked me "Whats something thats common in people's homes, in their beds?" I just guessed "bed bugs?" not even thinking they were It was like 3 years ago when I was 11? and yeah I couldn't believe my mom didn't go through with him cleaning it.

    And yeah, they are microscopic insects that feed off blood of humans =/ even though I don't fully think they do that, its still real..yaknow? lol.

  3. They are real.

    They are small but not microscopic. They look a bit like cockroaches.

    They feed on human blood and will bite you and leave a nasty rash.

    Just washing your bedclothes is important but not enough to get rid of them. If you have them in your house you will need to fumigate all of the beds, that includes the bases, inner springs, mattresses, frame.

    Don't let 'em bite!

  4. Yes, they are real. They are microscopic. Also, they off of blood and dead skin cells.

  5. Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs and their relatives have evolved as nest parasites. Certain kinds inhabit bird nests and bat roosts and await the return of their hosts; others have adapted well to living in the ‘nests’ (homes) of people.

    Hatchling bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed, and adults are about 1/4 of an inch in length. From above they are oval in shape, but are flattened from top to bottom.

    They are quite real, and quite a big problem in the united states today. Check out this site for more information on how to identify, get rid of the bugs and guard your home against them!

  6. They are real and the first answer is wrong. If they bite you, you will know it, leaves a red mark. Google "Bed Bug" for proof

  7. This photo down below are bed bug bites and the other link is picture of a bed bug.

    And information

  8. Yes they are real.  They are very small but not microscopic.  

    Here's a picture of some:

    They have been pretty rare for decades; that's why you thought they weren't real.  But now they are making a comeback.  You can pick them up at a motel and bring them home.

    They bite and suck blood, like a mosquito of flea, and produce bites pretty much like other insect bites.  They itch.

    They are rather hard to get rid of, once established.

  9. Old tales told to kids. But, dust mites are very real & so are crabs. Yuck!

  10. they are microscopic creatures that eat dead skin. harmless.
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