
Are beetles sensitive to a certain amount of light?

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My daughter had 6 beetles and 3 of them were hers and 3 were her friends' and she found out that beetles like newspapers to climb on so she put some in the container and then her classmates said that she was torturing the beetle and when the teacher came in they complained and then her teacher told 2 girls to release the beetles and they did so but when she went down after class, they were dead. they were in perfect shape though.




  1. Were they left in the sun? If that's the case, that may be what killed them. In their natural habitat, beetles are hanging out on tree leaves which provide shade, food, and of course water.

    But that's cute. Hope your daughter isn't bothered too much about it. Next time, keep them in a covered shoebox with plenty of leaves, grass, and a moist paper towel. Maybe a slice of apple or celery!

    Gosh, this sounds fun.  

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