
Are beings from places besides Earth living among us ....?

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who are more enlightened, and only reveal themselves to those who are closer to the light?




  1. No. But it would make a good movie.

  2. Possibly. I think that pretty much anything is possible.

  3. Yes, lol

  4. yes i am one.

  5. If there are extra-terrestrial beings here on Earth I would like to see them.  As with many other crackpot ideas, many people claim this to be the case but no one has ever come forth with any sort of proof or evidence.  Like all conspiracy theorists, they just make a number of vague observations and then conclude with, "It could be."

  6. We have so many weirdos on this planet it's hard to tell where they may be from.

  7. I really love this question, but first ...............  Brent, get real.  Don't be so arrogant.  There's no way you are the only one.  People like you give the human race a bad name.  It is the arrogance of humans that allows the truth to be hidden, this question to remain unanswered (strike that if you were being sarcastic).  How arrogand must we be, indeed, to think that we are the only ones in the universe.  There are over 50 billion (that's 50,000,000,000) stars in our galaxy, which is average sized, and we have found hundreds of billions of galaxies.

    Lets say, for arguement's sake, that it's only 2 hundred billion galaxies.  Let's do the math, here.



    ------------------------This works out to:

    10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe.  

    That's 10 hextillion

    We've already found that most stars have at least one planet.

    They just recently found another planet that sits just the right distance from it's parent star to maintain an atmosphere containing liquid water.  It's larger than Earth, by quite a bit, but it's small enough to NOT be gaseous, but rocky, like the Earth.  It's less than 200 light years from here.

    The likelyhood of humans being the only ones is astronomicly small.

    Now give a civilization 1000 years more technological advancements than us.  Better yet, give them an additional  million years.  We are already exploring our solar system.  What do you think those more advanced civilizations are doing?  With a million years advancement on us, I'm sure they have the ability to come here.  Have they?  I'm not sure.

    That's my take on the whole thing.

    Now, let's argue a couple other points of view.  

    We all know that there are those who have had experiences that they can only describe as close encounters with alien beings.

    To them aliens are here, and WAY more enlightened, without a doubt.

    There are those (usually, but not always, very closely associated with various churches) who truly believe, and stand on their belief, that we are it.  However, let's think about their teachings, for a moment.  Christians believe that God is a supreme being (must be more enlightened than us, and since I've never seen him, must only reveal himself to those who are more enlightened).  Here's the thing about being enlightened.  Let me enlighten you.  You may not be able to see the "face" of God, but when you look at the beauty in nature, you see His signature everywhere.  We can tell a lot about an artist by looking at his work.  So, in that sense, we've all seen Him.

    Then there are angels.  According to the Bible, angels have existed since before the Earth, and they live with God, in Heaven.  Boy, they must indeed be enlightened.  If I lived with God, I would be SURE to learn everything I could from him.  But the assumption is that when we get to heaven, we will BE enlightened.  In any case, while we live here on Earth, Angels and God (and, in fact, even the Devil, himself, who used to be an angel, and is said to lurk in every dark corner) are more enlightened than us.

    The Buddists tell about how their ancestors are reincarnated.  After several lives, one must be very enlightened.  The reincarnated ancestors can, if they choose, reveal themselves to others, and call on memories and wisdom from their past lives.  That's actually what their big quest is all about.  Tapping into that wisdom.

    The orientals, as well as the Europeans, have legends about dragons.  Dragons were said to be intelligent.  More so than us.  They were seen as protectors, wise, strong, and many wanted to learn from them.  At least until the middle ages, when human arrogance crept in and knights (who thought they were better than everyone else) slew them all.  How's that for enlightenment.  lol

    The native American Indians sought wisdom (aka enlightenment) from their ancestors, as well as many animal spirits.  Woah, wait a minute.  Am I telling you that animals are more enlightened than humans?  Well, unless you are arrogant, you can see the possibility.  They are not destroying the environment.

    Austrailian Aboriginies, The Aleuts (tribes from the Aleuetian islands), the existing tribes in the Amazon, some of which decended from the Mayans and the Aztecs, tribes in the jungles of India, civilized people in Indonesia and the Phillippines (all of these exist today, as peoples), the mayans, the Aztecs, the Tultecs, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Greeks (who existed in ancient times) ...... All of these people have legends about a group of beings known as the Annunaki.  Annunaki is the same word in every language, and carry's the meaning "the Ones Who Came From Above."  Now, be they Gods, or other dieties, or be they ancient spirits, or aliens, in order to "Come from above" they must be much more enlightened than us.

    I think I covered everyone, living, and most who have passed.

    Thus, if you get a consensus of the entire Earth populus, I predict that the answer to the question (worded the way you have it) is a resounding and unanimous "Yes!"

  8. yep theres 2 next door to me.

  9. sure there are (angels) lots of them some good some bad....

    and dude from like "3000" YEARS AGO ... YA RITE!!!!!!!!

  10. I don't think they live among us, but they surely observe us discretely, just showing up for a few, here and there. I have a friend who saw UFO's several times and nobody can change his mind that they were not... I just don't know, I've never seen any of them, but I really believe there are more intelligent beings in the Universe.


  11. Look, I'm getting tired of all the idle speculation around here.  It's time to settle this thing once and for all.  I am one of those beings you refer to.  I was left here 3843 years ago to study this planet and its development.  I have access to technology that would make your best stuff look childish.  Amid all the study and data gathering, the only fun I ever get is coming here and answering questions.

    Now here's the thing:  I am the ONLY alien on this planet.  I am the only one who has EVER been here.  You people are crazy.  Grow up and I might let you in on some of my technology, like perpetual youth and the ability to selectively sterilize humans without their knowledge after they have had three children.

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