
Are big oil companies sincere in finding alternative sources, or are their ads merely justifying big profits?

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I'm seeing a lot of advertising by these big oil companies, stating how they are working on alternative energy sources. Wondering how much time, money, and work they are really putting into this. Are they being responsible and sincere, or just trying to put a spin on the public with all their advertising for alternative energy sources?




  1. They are not in any way sincere, at least at the top.  Neither are the car makers, or some of the State emission regulators.  This movie is a fantastic example.

  2. Big oil companies are sincere about being profitable.  If they feel that they can make money on alternative energy sources, then they will pursue them.  If they feel that they will be money losing propositions, they will not.  This is the way capitalism and the free market works.

  3. i'm not sure.

  4. Big oil is in the business of supplying oil since YOU, the Big Consumer, want it.

    Big oil, being the greedy capitalists that they are, are also very interested in being the ones who develop the alternatives since there is money to be made there too.

    If not for big oil you would be paying much much more for energy if you could afford it at all.

  5. Think about this. If YOU had a product that was making YOU billions of dollars a year, would you want to replace it? That should answer your question.

  6. Oil companies are in the energy business.   If they feel that oil will be running low soon, they will certainly try to corner the market on whatever will replace oil.   They are sincere in keeping thier jobs and not being out on the street.   Their profits really aren't that big percentage wise compared to most other industries.   They make about a 10% profit on sales while MIcrosoft makes around 95% profit on what they sell.   If Exxonmoble did that, you'd be paying upwards of $8 per gallon.

  7. when are big corporations sincere about anything other than making profits and doesn't matter who they crush along the way

  8. Ding ding ding!  Mt. Zion has answered the $64,000 question!  Sincerity has nothing to do with it.  Companies are in business for ONE reason, to be profitable.  They are not in business to make people feel good about the world.  They provide a good in exchange for money.  The reason they provide that good is because the market demands it.  The market being you, me and everyone else who drives a car, wears clothes made in China, buys those plastic earrings at the mall . . .  Without those big "greedy" oil companies, you wouldn't enjoy everything you do today at such an inexpensive cost.  It irritates the c**p out of me that people can allow themselves to be blinded by the radical environmentalist bull.  The fact is, a business cannot exist without income, without profit, plain and simple.  If it could, it would cease to be a business and would be some sort of charitable organization.  I'm sick of all the c**p people spew out because it's really easy to make a big company a scapegoat for something everyone contributes to.  Capitalism is a good thing people. It's not evil like some idiots want you to think.  It allows you and I to have all the nicities in our lives because it encourages innovation and competition, and that even goes for the big bad oil companies.

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