
Are bigfoots real and do they abduct people like aliens?

by Guest57063  |  earlier

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Are bigfoots real and do they abduct people like aliens?




  1. Read this article and decide for yourself.Then search"alien abduction"on that site.I think you'll find it interesting.

  2. Nah, I concur with TR. Although I do have a big foot, but it's not hairy nor can it abduct humans.

  3. no, big foots abduct people in a very different way than aliens. Aliens put people into a trance and lure them onto a spaceship, while bigfoots grab them by the legs and drag them off into a cave.

    Of course, the likelyhood is both bigfoots an aliens are not real.

  4. More than likely and unlikley.

  5. Yes bigfoots are real and yes they abduct people like aliens. I know this because I am an alien and at times I outsource my abduction jobs to bigfoots so that I can make my monthly quota on anal probes.

  6. Well the answer is not very likely and no.

    Basically, if Bigfoot or Yeti exist, they are most probably the living remnants of Australiopithicus Gigantus, a known but thought to be extinct branch of the human family tree.

    As another poster mentioned, given the infrequency with which we encounter them, it's unlikey there is a viable population of them left anywhere except in the most remote or inhospitable regions of the planet.

    As far as doing a snatch and grab, that's unlikely. Humans almost universally would be able to match and escape them since we have both language and some degree of training in "fighting" as children.

    Bigfoots if they exist would be nearly solitary and have few siblings due to the hard living conditions so they would be unable and frankly probably disinclined to interact with humans at all.

    As far as Aliens, Sorry, I'm not buying it, why would some species come trillions of miles to play hide and seek, it's more likely they would - if they were hostile, just engineer a bug and eliminate those pesky humans from the planet altogether and setup shop OR it's more likely the case that Aliens are newest version of demons in an otherwise demon-haunted world.

    500 years ago, very few people reported seeing or being abducted by aliens, alot of people swore that Demons came to them in the night an stole their seed or what-have you.

    Not to mention if aliens were in the business of snagging hapless humans, why haven't they snatched any politicians or scientists or anyone (other than Whitley Strieber perhaps) who could really investigate/write about the matter.

    They're always going after farmers or farmers daughters or those on the shallow end of the IQ pool, or whatever, they never snag a couple of customers coming out of Barnes and Noble or a bunch of university students or anything.

  7. As for whether Bigfoot is real, I don't know, but I'm open to the possibility, but if they were, I don't think they'd abduct people. I know aliens exist, but they don't abduct people to anal probe them. The most common aliens reported, Greys, are simply looking to evolve past their present state. They can't feel emotions, and have a kind of hive mind. They want to know how we exist together as a group and as individuals without going completely nuts.

    Don't read the Weekly World News so much, dude. They're full of c**p. Occassionally they have some good stuff, but mostly it's junk.

  8. It's very unlikely that a creature so large could sustain a population large enough for a healthy gene pool without being discovered. So I doubt it.

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