
Are black cats bad luck? cause i saw one the other night just looking at me please help me!

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the other night i saw a black cat was looking at me! what does this mean?




  1. no, of cause not~

  2. yes they are bad luck..

    what i would do is pray i mean cause im catholic but yeah their bad luck.. always look away :))

  3. No they are not bad luck, but they have bad luck. I own 2 little precious black kitties,and my luck has been fine. However, they catch a bad rap,and are often the last ones adopted at the shelters, and are often tortured, or euthanized over ignorance and cruelty.

  4. No period its all superstition..........

  5. Be afraid, be very afraid<lol>

  6. It means you'ree over-reacting. Its a cat. Does it really matter what color it is? No matter what, its not going to be bad luck.

  7. It's just a old tale. I think these things affect people more who actually believe in it because when something bad happens they associate it with the black cat, like the cat can control the outcome of your life, IT'S A CAT. It's just a story to play with your mind. There are people with bad luck who have NEVER seen a black cat, it has nothing to do with it.

  8. no, thats dumb. they are not bad luck. i have a black cat fully black. and i always have goodluck

  9. I've never gotten bad luck before from hanging around black cats. Therefore, I don't think they're bad luck, I think they're annoying.  


  11. I've owned three black cats, it's all silly superstition.

  12. That is just an old wives tale.  I have a totally black cat that I had raised from a tiny newborn.  His mother abandoned.  So I would so for him, it was lucky.

  13. they;re only bad luck if u believe in that stuff.

  14. If it's bad luck, especially if one crosses your path, how do people live with them in their homes?  Think about that and you'll have your answer.

    No, black cats are just cats born with black hair.

  15. Black cats have long been associated with witches. For this reason they have been given the bad luck rap. I will tell you though that cats do stare. That's just what they do they are predators. They are acutely aware of their surroundings.

  16. well it didnt passs yuu so it shouldnt and plus it depends on if yu believe

  17. Why don't you come back to the real world for a second and look at what is going on. The world is at war and your worrying about a ******* cat! Come On Man Get A Grip.

  18. No don't believe that it's just a cat. It's kind of racist to judge a cat by the color of it's skin lol.

  19. It's just a superstition.

    I own a black cat and my luck hasn't gotten any worse since we got him.

    so no.

  20. It's just superstition. It looked at you because it likes you. You suppose to spit though. It's just superstition. In some culture it means good luck.

  21. ahhhh you are gonna but really don't get too into it. I own an all black cat, and im

  22. No they aren't at all. That's just nonsense. I have 3 of them and my luck is just fine. they look at me and walk in front of me all the time-every day and have for years. so have the other black cats in the neighborhood.Forget all that midevil nonsense.There is no truth to it at all, just illogical superstition.

  23. there supposed to be especially when you see them at night  

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