
Are black jeans appropriate to wear in the classroom?

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I have a pair of very comfortable, very dark, black jeans that I want to wear while teaching children.

Are these appropriate to wear if I pair them with long sleeved sweater sets and a scarf?

We do not wear shoes in class, but only wear our socks since we sit on the floor most of the time.




  1. I would say yes. If you are working with young children-comfort should always be considered.

    You may want to speak with your principal or somebody in administration to make sure about your dress code

  2. no jeans, totally unprofessional. you are not working in a store or builders yard.

  3. I'd say so. Kids need to relate to teachers, and seeing them in suits or whatever doesn't really help with that.

    But it depends on your school's policy.

  4. It varies from school to school - I wouldn't be allowed to wear them in my school, but I would if I was allowed!

  5. What is the policy of your school? In my system, we cannot wear jeans of any color. I would check with your principal.

  6. Not really appropriate if school rules say that the children can't.

  7. i can't see a problem with hides a multitude of stains & sins lol. Most teachers here (U.K) can wear what they want (within reason - obviously nothing too revealing).

  8. yeah sure.. its bnlue denim jeans that are unsutibale..

    black jeans that are dark and not very noticible that they're jeans are good, you should look nicely presented.

    but, make sure your top half is dressed up.

  9. In NYC, a teacher could come in naked and no one would care.

  10. Each school district/campus has its own set of dress codes for instructors.  At my school, jeans are only appropriate on Fridays and worn with the campus logo shirt.  We must wear shoes at all times, too.

  11. when in doubt wear them on Friday

  12. surely you should be asking the school..we don't know what the uniform policy in your school is (I work in an office and office uniform policies even vary from room to room let alone office to office!)

  13. I teach first grade, and I work on the floor a lot with the kids. Our principal does not allow jeans of any kind except on Fridays or special occasions. Definitely check with your principal on this. I know most school districts have teachers go to work the week before school starts so you can ask then. :)

  14. We are not allowed to wear any type of denim at my school (UK) The dress code (an unwritten rule) is smart casual. I teach reception (4 and 5) and think I'd find jeans uncomfortable to teach in because I wear them out of school! I don't like to mix my home/ work wardrobes! I try to dress as smartly as possible at work.

  15. Yes, since you sit on the floor, you can't be expected to be decked out in formal attire.  So they would be appropriate.

  16. a_c_7_3 many cultures you do not wear outside shoes inside it is considered extremely rude (ex.  Japan, South Korea).  Seeing as we do not know where she teaches don't be so quick to judge according to your own cultural views.

    As for the question it really depends on the dress code of the school and what your co-teacher's wear.  If you are not sure maybe ask a co-teacher you are friend's with.

    Generally speaking dress codes for teacher's are much more relaxed in the lower grades and more professional for middle and high school.  At least where I teach that is how it is.

  17. Oh Jesus. If some people would actually read questions and not just say they did, before making inappropriate and ill-informed comments......

    Breezer, jeans are fine, fine, fine. It is your school's policy to not wear shoes inside, so that is a good sign for them being rather laid-back in terms of dress codes. Wearing something smart for the first day, and then check other teachers' clothing out, is always the best thing to do (not only in the teaching area). ;)

    So yes, your outfit choice is fine for the circumstances you'll work in. Good luck with your new job! Hope you'll enjoy it.

  18. Hello darling,

    I would say yes, if they are not tight, butt hugging style...your teaching adults English right? It sounds casual so go for it....Something tells me you have class baby so don't second guess your self, let your light shine....

  19. This drives me insane!!!!!!!!!! You're a teacher, someone that is there to be looked up to, to command respect, to show them how to behave and conduct yourself. Wear something smart, make an effort, pust some bloody shoes on. Jesus, how can kids be expected to know how to turn themselves out for job interveiws, take pride in themselves when they get taught by a supposed authority figure who dresses anything but professionally.

    Canskip - she says she doesn't wear shoes mainly as they sit on the floor most of the time - thats the reason, not culture. I read the question properly - did you?

  20. If you're not sure then I'd say no for the first day, at least.

    Check the dress code by seeing what the other teachers wear.

    So you got a job, is it the one you were not sure about? Whichever one it is, very best of luck!

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