
Are black people considered *******?

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White people say that the Egyptians are not black or negroid or whatever. You say they are mixed, mixed with what? remember, white people are the first people to start this race thing, black, white, etc.. You people have said that one drop of black blood makes you black, right? So if the Egyptians or Israelites of Africa are of dark skinned surrounded by other black africa countries what makes u think they are of any other people. You people are the ones who started this race color c**p. What is a negroid or who is black




  1. Can't we all just get along?

    Egyptians and Israelites often classify themselves as "Semites" like Arabs, Turks, and Persians.

    Europeans with light skin did not start "racism".

    Try "We the People..." instead of "You people.."

  2. You shouldn't even pay attention to anything that has the word 'race' in it.  Many people who do some research on it, like myself, find that it is a completely man maid concept that had no support any scientific community.  In other words, there is no such thing as a Negroid, Mongoloid or Caucasian.

  3. You can't expect a straight answer from people who are liars by nature.

    Africans were the ancient egyptians and i could care less what historical liars would say about the issue.

  4. Apples come in all shapes (round, oval, flat, big, small) and several colours from red to green, and some are even yellow. Yet no red apple takes offence at being called red and no green and red apple is bothered wether it is put into a pile with mostly red apples or mostly green apples. They are all classified as apples. Descriptive words are needed to distinguish the apples from each other.

    The same goes to differend breeds of dogs and cats. Why then do we take offence about words used to descibe our own species when talking about everything else it is ok to use colour or origin as a description?

    The fact is that humans are as varied as apples or dogs. The difference is unlike apples or dogs we have no related species left surviving (like pears and wolves for apples and dogs). And I believe that the same reason we cannot accept ancient Egyptians being called black or white (depending on what you are), is the same reason why there are no other human species left. It is very sad despite our intelligence we cannot accept diversity within our own species.

    So the answer to your question depends on who you ask and in what situation.

  5. So get hung up over a Latin word.  That is the color black in Latin and originally had no connotations to anything bad or negative.  No more than the Caucasoid named for some mountains or vice verse or mongoloid for the Mongolian type etc.

    If it is the word that is the problem we can say that the man with that color is African if the English and Latin words are not acceptable.

    Or, since no offense was given perhaps negro Latin for black or in this case Negro or Black because no matter what name goes with the being,  respect  is the important  factor in any relation.

  6. Black is a color, Negro is a race that doesn't include all dark skinned people and Africa is continent that includes multiple races.  Much of the confusions is that people don't get those simple concepts or they place too much emphasis on the race.  Some argue that Egyptians were Negroes because they live in Africa which is really ignorant.  The problem with the concept of race is there is not a clearly defined definition from one race to the others and many populations don't fit in any race.  Only some blithering racist idiots say that one drop of "black" blood makes you black.

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