
Are black women to blame for issues of the black male?

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Black women have failed greatly in my opinion.

1) They wanted womens rights, when things were fine

2) They no longer stick with the man of the house

3) One slip up and there ready to leave

4) One time I got drunk and she broke up with me.....very un lady like

5) They try to out do us and think its a game like with careers and even trying to out do us in school

6) They date out in higher numbers

Whats your opinion?




  1. Sounds like someone is bitter. Trying to blame women for the slip ups of men is just pathetic.

  2. Oh STOP attention seeking!! You are only saying these things to get a rise out of women, it's pathetic.  

  3. lol this is a joke right? what the h**l...

    im a black girl. 18. and i look up to all the strong black women in the world who have to fight against sexism and racism every day. but to get to your "opinions".

    1. womens rights were first pursued by white women honey. do you honestly think people back then would have given a **** if black women cared about their rights? come on now. get real. and h**l yes we deserved rights! any man who thinks otherwise is just an insecure imbecile. of the house? lmao please. there was no man running my house and there definitely will be no such thing in my household. get yourself a passive woman for that ****.

    3. "Slip Up"?! h**l yes we're ready to leave. no self respecting black woman would stick with a man of any race (i dont date black guys) if he "slipped" into anything -.-

    4."lady like" is an oppressive concept thats outdated. and how would that apply to breaking up with you ? lol

    5. well we do. and most of the time we're successful. black women go to college at much higher rates, statistically do much better in school, have steadily climbed the economic ladder while black guys are just chillin.

    6. i date outside my race if thats what you mean and so do some of my black girl friends. but black guys are definitely more...lets call it "ambitious" shall we?

    i have had black friends who have told me they wouldnt touch a black woman with a ten foot pole, then the second some white girl comes along theyre ready to pounce. i mean i dont mind but sometimes id just look their "girlfriends" >.>   up and down like "are you serious?"

    needless to say i wouldnt stay in association with anyone like that for too long.  

  4. Misogyny still alive then. I blame your mum for dropping you on yer head (last week)


  5. well Im sure white and Mexican and Asian and every other race do the same things you mention above! honestly get over the color of skin. i really don't understand how you can separate them.

    I do suppose you could blame the parent for the child's behavior under some circumstances.

  6. Is this a serious post? Based on your own description, you are a loser. Don't blame black women. Look in the mirror and start improving youself. Ask yourself if you're a desirable mate. If not, why not.

    Partial response to your list:

    1. Women's rights? Good grief, do you really think they're wanting rights is a problem?

    2. They'll stick with someone worth sticking with. See #1

    3. I do agree that one mistake alone should be forgiven

    4. How forgiving would you be if you saw her drunk? Women probably feel the same disgust for a drunken man as you would for a drunken woman.

    5. So you expect her to pretend to be less than you? Perhaps you should simply appreciate that she is smart and accomplished.

    6. I don't undersand your point here...

    Are you the type of guy you would want your daughter to date? Or would you tell her to run like the wind? Things can change...but it starts with you.

  7. when i first looked at the question i agreed, but d details r stupid.

    Everything a guy does r for women 2 notice them. So d type of women men want influence d kind of person they r.  

  8. Okay, a couple of notes here...please bear with me and just stop to consider my point.....

    I'm a 37 year old white professional  American.  I have many black, etc. friends (male and female) from all over the world (Carribean, UK, US, Africa, etc.) as a result of where I've lived internationally and traveled in my job.  Some of the international black men I've been in serious, long-term relationships with.

    My point is:  just because someone is black (any race really), a woman, OR even a man it has NOTHING to do with that.  It has everything to do with your culture, your beliefs, what your "expectations" are for your own life.  

    That said, to me, it sounds like you expect a black woman, etc. to behave like maybe your mother did w/your father.  Or for your relationships to have similar dynamics that your parents' relationship had (how they related / interacted w/the other and "duties").  It's not good or bad - it's probably because that is "what YOU are used to".  

    That said, maybe it's become so "normal" to you, you didn't consider one of these black women you are dating / speaking of also have their own "normal" and beliefs, etc. based on how they were brought up (household, culture, etc.).  Chances are, it wasn't identical to your own household.  And truly, that isn't just exclusive to blacks.  All humans are like this.

    I hate to say this but the ONLY person to "blame" for this is you....meaning, if YOU have expectations of how something or someone "should" be or how YOU envision it based on YOUR life, normalcy, or expectations, that has nothing to do w/anyone but YOU. :)  (Classic psychology. :))

    We are all different and so you can choose to understand another person's background and what they "are used to" (and how it will play out for what you need and want for yourself).  That way, you won't be so frustrated I bet.

    My advice:  just try to consider and be aware of this moving forward.  Also, most importantly - figure out what YOU need and want in another person too.  Although relationships have a LOT to do w/our emotions for someone, just because we have feelings for a person doesn't mean they are the right person for what we each NEED in our own lives.  That's what it sounds like to me is really going on....not the "blaming black women for the issues of black men".  :)  Really - good luck. :)

  9. Do you think Your mother is to blame for the issues that Your Father has ??

    and as far as ' helping your race before helping others ? '.. honey you need to HELP YOURSELF>..  Get your head out of your *** ... there are some of the BEST and Famous Black Women in History that have Come a long way...  

    and for your number 4 as she was being un-lady like because you were a drunk !! She's so better off without someone like you...

  10. something told me not to click on this question....I just refuse to believe that you're this stupid so you have to be a troll

    my heart goes to out to the unlucky lady that has to sleep with you...

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