
Are blacks more likely to get jobs than white?

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There are a lot of white people are yahoo questions, grumbling that companies recruit blacks over whites. (positive disctrimination) Where is the social scientific data to prove this that whites now are in the ghetto unemployable and disadvantaged? Or are these bitter spewing coming from angry whites who have never held down a job in their lives?




  1. affirmative action

  2. Stupid question.

  3. no every1 is equal aren't they? lol

  4. Blacks are not more likely to get jobs than whites.  They're just more likely to get jobs they don't deserve.  And there is no such thing as "positive discrimination".  So long as people support discrimination, yes even discrimination that benefits blacks, there will never be true equality in America.  Did you know that the most successful race of Americans, those with the highest average income, are asians?  So you see It's not a big bad racism thing that keeps minorities down.  It's lack of personal responsibility.

  5. well if companies are openly admitting to discrimination, Id guess that's proof enough.

  6. i dont beleave that blacks have a better chance than whites in getting jobs. most large companies will employ purely on the experience or qualifications rather than race or gender and take active steps to make sure this is the case. with smaller companies it may be the case, as an individual interviewing or vetting applicants is able to put there own prejudice into the selection ( assuming that they are prejudice).

          some organisations will encourage either ethnic minorities or women to apply for managers jobs or promotions so as to reflect better the work force they have ie if half the work force are women then half the managers women, but actually positivly discrimating towards eithe women or black people i think is rare.

  7. I'm beginning to see a different turnaround. I'm finding more Indians, Phillipino's and Asians in my line of work and less traditional whites and blacks at least in the NY metro area. I wouldn't consider it to be discrimination as much as willingness to work and ability.

  8. i don't know about other places, but around here you never see black people working good jobs. in fact you won't see anyone of color working good jobs. and it's crazy to think that every single black, hispanic, asian and whatever else is not qualified. i've definitely had many experiences where the employer made it pretty clear that they weren't going to hire me because of my color. personally i think the white people complaining are those that can't get a job period. but it works both ways. i hate hearing black people who look scrubby and can't speak proper english and never finished school saying they can't get a job because they're black. people just always look for excuses why they're failing in life.

  9. these are bitter whites.  studies show that names on resumes who "sound ethnic" are not going to get interviewed.  seriously, just google it and you'll find all kinds of data related to that.  in addition, think about the numbers.  if companies are "recruiting for diversity" this means that they are not diverse to begin with - a company with 100 white people may be seeking to recruit one black man to make it look like they're not racist.  this may be the first time that they've ever even hired a minority.

  10. proberbly true. there are alot of immigrants these days that come here for a better job, where as we cant be bovverd to get off our lazy asses in the morning! lol

  11. This whole thing is mind boggling. I worked in New Orleans with the Creole/Cajun/German/Italian/Vietnamese/H... heritaged people which was pre-Katrina  90% Black, 7% Caucasion, 2% Asian and 1% Hispanic. Never had a problem finding a job... I'm caucasion.  I'm in another city now 875 miles to the north.  I've probably seen 85 black people since I've been here (and 50 were Jamacians who spoke both French and English that were temp hired by a hotel to work seasonally, as they are "trained to do their jobs" and "work harder" than the indiginous population).  I was passed over five times for jobs for which I am well qualified, because I'm not fluent in Spanish or Ukranian.  Go figure.  We probably have more caucasion and indoeuropean people in projects here than Hispanic or Black. People...things aren't black or white's multi-ethnic.  It's not about prejudice, it's about communication.  Unless we learn their languages (lol) neither indiginous Caucasions nor Blacks may be work eligible soon.  I've been wondering if God mistakened one of those microwave towers disguised as a tree for the Tower of Babble. Toss the Social Security cards, Guys.  We're going to need a trilingual green card to work in the US pretty soon.

  12. no obviously white people are more likely. now stop being racsict you can be racsict even if your black you know.

  13. No, more QUALIFIED people are more likely to get jobs!

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