
Are blacks whites and chinese really just three different species of man, totally unrelated...?

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the black being human ofcourse




  1. No, I think Black came first, then White, then Asian. I think Asians MAY be a hybrid of Black and White. I believe white is just a Black with no melanin (albino). SOme albinos have blue eyes, green eyes, blonde and red hair. The dark Mediterranean whites have Black ancestry. They have the olive complexion of a bi-racial person.

    Black people can have the "Asian" eye with the epicanthic fold, it is common among the Sudanese and people around desert areas. Black people are also capable of having straight hair, like the Aborigines of Australia, and the Dalit of India. Some aborigines even have blonde hair. Straight hair and blonde hair are a recessive gene, and i think that Black people have all these genes, since they were here first. If a person reproduces with a person with kinky curly hair, the hair of the offspring will also be curly. Same goes for skin color. Dark seems to trump light. Light is recessive, Dark is dominant. In order for a very light skinned race to remain light, they MUST only breed with each other. Simple genetics. You can find all traits for all "races" among Africa people, including straight hair, kinky hair, face shape, eye shape, body build, hair colors, and most notably, albinism, which i think is how white skin came about.  

    So in my opinon we are all related, and scientists have already supported this theory with their gene research which shows that there is like a 1% difference in our genetic codes. And of course the most obvious clue to our relatedness is that we can interbreed. Different species cannot interbreed, a horse and donkey will sire a mule, which is sterile. Dogs can interbreed with each other because they are all descended from the same animal (wolves).

    There are many theories on race you could get some books on it. My theory may be totally wrong.

    But all theories are ONLY theories, nothing in science is proven it can only be supported by research.

  2. if this were the case then children would be unlikely and if they were born of a union between species (like mules) would be sterile. Plainly this is not the case. Moreover, blood and organs transfer between races so they are by definition not separate species.

  3. no, we are just one type of species with different(a little) dna structure that evolved from apes and monkeys

    if you say chinese your saying it in specific, but if you say blacks, whites and asians your saying as a whole species.

  4. No. We are all humans. Blacks are human beings with darker skin. They think like everyone else, live like everyone else and reproduce like everyone else. I don't think you would be asking this question if you were multiracial (eg. mother was Black/Asian and your father was White/Latino). That's the beauty in multiethnic countries, they don't see color and they do have interracial relationships. This blurs out these differences in skin color...

    There is only one species of man. They're all humans. They just look different. If they were of different species, it would be impossible for us to have multiracial children.

  5. The "races" or "different species" of which you speak are social constructs.  They do not exist on a genetic/biological level.  They are simply variation within the population.  There has never been sufficient genetic isolation to allow genetic separation in modern humans.  Until about 12,000 years ago there was another species of human known as Homo Florenesis on the island of Flores in Indonesia.  The effects of dwarfism and isolation combined to produce a separate species that lived without any flow (as best as we can tell) from other Homo specie.  But modern skin color differences and any other variation is simply the effect of either environmental or sexual selection (Yes, what we think is beautiful has an effect on population phenotypes).  So to answer the question not only are they not three unrelated species but they are closer to one another (genetically) than are members of two members of the same group.  

    Just out of curiosity, if you belived this where would you put Australian Aboriginies, Arabs, Jews, and Native Americans?

  6. You are a moron.

    If we go far back enough you will be related to the amoeba.

  7. No, we are all one species by the biological species concept. Any populational variances are outside of this concept.

  8. Biologists have set the standard for what constitutes a species:  they can reproduce and produce viable offspring (capable of reproducing themselves).  Using that standard, there is only one race of homo sapiens, and that is the HUMAN race.  We can all inter-breed, and produce children capable of doing the same.  If we couldn't do so, there wouldn't be the "mongrel races" that seem to trouble you so much!

  9. Cleary you are an idiot. All three of these represent one matter how badly you want that not to be true.

  10. Mixed with whom?  Actually, there are no pure races anywhere.  Humans, we're a friendly, or often just rape-y, species, and every group has mated with every other group out there, when they can get to them.  And all humans are definitely human.  We're all the same species.  We can all interbreed, and we share one h**l of a lot of DNA, and that takes care of two major markers for a species.  The prevailing theory goes that humans became humans in Africa, and groups eventually moved out into all the other areas of the globe.

    I'm kind of confused, too, because if you're going to be racist, why do you only recognize three races?  Surely you can at least throw Native Americans and Middle Easterners in there?  Ooh, and Australians.  Surely there are at least six major arbitrary distinctions.

  11. Look up the definition of species in your biology textbook or a dictionary?

    As other posters pointed out since asians africans and europeans and other races can all interbreed then we are all the same species!

    Technically speaking a Ituri Forest pgymy could have a children with a six foot tall near albino swedish person!

    A petite viet woman can have kids with a tall australian of european descent.

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