
Are blood tests optional?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am scared of blood tests but im ok with the little prick in the finger ones so if i go to the doctor for a check-up and they say i need an actual blood test am i allowed to refuse and ask for the finger one?




  1. if you're just going for a physical, then they shouldn't need more than a finger prick.

    the only time they usually ask for a full out blood test is if they're trying to do some diagnostics.

  2. you can refuse but i would just get it over with i just got mine done a month ago....

    Its new and high tech now in your arm less chance of missing your rolling veins if you have it... always ask for a tiny needle

    also now you don't even get  the little prick filling  and you don't even see the needle its that small and when its time for it to come out they push this button on the side of then needle holder and it comes out so fast you don't feel it I swear

    If you are affraid of the blood don't look that way or just talk to them not looking at it

    good luck :P

  3. its your body, and i am a big believer in not letting doctors decide for you which tests are appropriate without your say so, for the first round of things they can do a urine test to see if theres glucose in your urine which there shouldnt be, and they can do a finger stick, but when i first went in my sugars were so high they didnt read on the meter(over 500) so then i had to do a blood draw so they could start meds right away.  i always have been terrified of needles, i would nearly pass out just seeing one, and now i have to take five shots a day and i deal with it okay now, if youre looking at the possibility of diabetes that may be a reality you have to face as well

  4. you can always refuse any tests or treatments, however if it is for your job or employment, or insurance you could lose your job or be denied insurance for failure to meet the necessary medical screening process.  

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