
Are blue eyes a problem for guys?

by Guest11053  |  earlier

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Okay,so this question is for the guys only.

I have really blue eyes,and I've noticed that when guys are talking TO me,they never give me full eye contact.They'll look into my eyes every once in awhile,but they mostly just stare at the ground......or my mouth.I have heard a guy say that it's easier for him to talk to girls that have brown or hazel eyes 'cause blue-eyed girls creep him out.Is this true for most guys??




  1. i have blue eyes and have no prob looking into the eyes of a blue eyed girl, alot of people dont make direct eye contact with others, its not about eye color its just what people do

  2. naw..

    I'd die for blue eyes. It's amazingly pretty. I'm not a guy though ! :P

  3. Those guys are losers! blue eyes a problem for guys? No way! They are beautiful, love. You just haven't found the right guy.

  4. omg thats so dry :( LOL

    mostly blue eyes are supposed to look nice on girls.

    maybe its just him from past experience or something. lol

    dont think too much about that.

  5. your obviously far to pretty for any guy to be good enough for u... therefore they look at the ground ashamed. haha dont worry about it there are plenty are succesful blue eyed people

  6. i think blue eyes are great. maybe you're just ugly.

  7. no! i have blue eyes and people say they look pretty

  8. HECK NO i love blue eyes!!!!!!!!

    but i like eyes that change colors my friend has some :)

    but anyways i get intimidated when i look people in the eyes its hard for me to look in anyones eyes.

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