
Are blue tailed skinks dangerous?

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they are too scared of people to be much trouble for us, but my friends dog like chasing them & I am worried if they bite her will it be dangerous or what if she EATS one would it be poisonous?

i KNOW the only venomous lizards are gila monster & komodo dragons but they might have big teeth for the size & I'm worried she would need stitches or something




  1. No, they are not dangerous to your dog..but your dog is a danger to them.  Skinks don't really have teeth..more like serrations.  I have actually been bitten by one and could barely feel it.  They cannot even bite hard enough to break the skin. I did not even have a mark from would probably not even be able to reach skin through a dogs coat..let alone break the skin if it WAS able to reach it.  

  2. No, they are not dangerous except to small(tiny) insects.

  3. No, it might be a little painful but it should not be enough to take the dog to the hospital for stitches! (Unless the dog is a complete wuss!) lol. Hope I could help!

  4. They aren't poisonous so don't worry about it. Plenty of animals eat skinks.

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