
Are boarding schools essential???

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are boarding schools essential for a child to become independent????




  1. nope

  2. I do not feel a boarding school is necessary for helping a child become independent.  A child can learn independence while living with their family if they are given opportunities.  For example, a parent could provide a child with a checklist of things that needs to be done before school, initially monitoring closely to make sure all of those tasks were completed, but then slowly withdrawing the constant monitoring until the child was completing those tasks on their own.  These tasks can be very simple (go potty, brush teeth, put on shirt, put on underwear, put on pants, etc) or more involved (get dressed, feed pet, etc) depending on the child's functioning level.  A child can also be given weekly household chores depending on their abilities such as sorting, doing or folding laundry, doing dishes, loading the dishwasher, clearing the table, cleaning up toys, emptying trash cans, etc.  Again, support should be provided initially to ensure the child understands the task and is able to complete it, visual supports can also be provided if needed, and then the parental supervision of the task should be slowly faded until the child is doing the task by themselves (with continuing visual supports such as a picture mini-schedule if needed).  The more parts of the child's day you teach them to get through by themselves, the more independent they become, even if they live at home.

  3. absolutly not, giving your child responsibility and freedom will also make them independent. also things like summer camps are a lot less perminant and difficult to handle and can also foster independence.

  4. For you or the child?

    What would a child gain from being independent from its parents other than to be guided from some other parental roll model?

  5. Well I am independent and most of the people I know and work with are independent. None of us went to boarding school, that's the answer.

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