
Are bonobos matriarchal and/or egilitarian?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard conflicting information...




  1. what?

  2. They are both ! The two terms to describe Bonobo society do not conflict with each other . I do see how you could have interpreted them as contradictory of each other. Lets examine what they mean in context. Matriarchal tells us that there is a dominant (although their society is so peaceful and egalitarian that it almost seems immoral to use the word dominant !) female that heads the group and moreover, females generally in many circumstances have precedence over the males. This hierarchy does not permeate through the bonobo social fabric. Their egalitarian society tells us that although all members are aware of their standing within the group, the need to enforce it rarely exists. Indeed the fact that they are well known to employ sexual gratification both to bolster relations and as a means to diffuse and reconcile following confrontation contributes to a peaceful, more equal and sharing society, in a word - an egalitarian one. I have recently answered a question comparing the Chimpanzee and Bonobo and have touched on elements of this answer in that one. Feel free to browse that and all of my answers. I am sure you will agree that Chimpanzee society is neither matriarchal (although there is hierarchy among the females) or egalitarian.

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