
Are border towns close to mexico becoming just another impoverished Mexican suburb?

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How long will the American taxpayer have to support the illegal aliens pouring into our country? I have seen many border cities in close proximity to Mexico that are begining to look like third world countries and are dirty and nasty.




  1. You've been to El Paso huh? It's amazing how much the illegals are catered to. Here, it's hard to find a job if you can't speak Spanish...they figure that the illegals spend money too so lets go with the flow. They have overrun our government offices and thing that it all should be a hand out. If you aren't a minority (which is actually the majority) then oh don't need are white. I have plenty of friends that came over the right way and even THEY hate it... Both ssides of the fence need to work on this for sure.

  2. Oh, YES.  It's BAD NEWS.  And the crime rate is through the roof!  No place for a child, that's for sure.  And, the more illegals that flood into this country, the further North the crime spreads.

  3. seems like it....  let's hope everything will get straightened out with the next president of the USA

  4. It's not just the border towns.  The estimates are that somewhere between 150 and 200 thousand middle to upper middle class taxpayers are leaving California a year.  They're leaving because of the proverbial as well as literal writing on the wall.  We're gonna continue to foot the bill until uncle Sam clamps down on the employers who hire illegals, but if you want to buy a head of lettuce grown in the U.S. it'll probablly cost you $10-$20.  I've been working alongside illegals on and off for years, and I've decided that if you can't beat em, join em.  I went down to Mexico last winter and llived llike a king.  I snorkled in Cozumel, toured around Puerto Vallarta, Mazzatlan, and Cabo.  There are some really nice places to live down south of the border, and fewer and fewer up here.  Welcome to the third world.

  5. a few years back my brother got sick and needed hospitalization for a month, his insurace coverd some so were were a bit relived but in that month i learned that the child in the same room was an illegal, his hospital visit was going to cost him ZERO dollars!!! i was mad!!! so i called every illegals every name in the book ..... so I understand your point of view on this BUT you now the saying "never say never" well my sis got married to an illegal alien, she is a US citizen. Her hubby has zero felony conviction (except being here illegally :) anyways they went to go get him legalized the correct way. but he was given 10 years in mexico as a punishment. yes yes i know there are laws ...but who is going to wait 10 years? i know i wouldnt anyways this is where the debate comes in.... when he went to his appointment in juarez... about 85% of the people got 10 years... and you know what 80% of them are back in u.s again... illegally NOT paying taxes, probably on welfare, food stamps, getting FREE medical using our SSN, s******g up our credit!!! yes it hurts my a*s cuz I have to pay taxes too BUT only if they were only given the chance to get at least a visa there wouldnt be so much illegals getting all this free stuff and maybe they would get a job w/ ins, better pay ect.... now since my brother in law decided to do the correct thing and wait in mexico for 10 years i admire him for "sticking by the law" BUT just as you have heard that mexico is corrupted... U.S is the SAME you have no idea how many immigration officers sell their american oaths out for a couple hundred dollars... I went to mexico to ask how i could smuggle an illegal in... and i was amazed!!! how many UNITED STATES immigration officers sell fake passport, give a certain day& time to pass thru the border by car and on foot, they give them specific location to cross on the mountains on foot, have special houses where to place them, have tunnels in AZ and much more that we dont know about. I was shocked! So i came to the conclusion that most of them dont sneak in but are actually let in for a small fare. like i said this hurts me too, i pay my taxes... But hey when i see an illegal i ask to myself "10 years' STUPID!!! you could put the marines, navy ect... its like your going to put young HISPANIC, white, african american to contol out borders!!! go ahead i have 7 cousing in the navy, army, marines... when they see my brother in law crossing the border they might even give him a ride!!! :) go ahead and deport them too all your giving them is a FREE vacation to go see their family for a couple of months...... So i do hope more and more come in so US learns their lesson... I do hope more americans dont get "good" jobs becase some immigrent replaced them... I do hope that people like you take time out of their schedule to complain about something that is NEVER going to change... so instead of thinking of how to protect usa for illegals sneaking in YOU should think of a better way on how to work the system. good luck trying to save USA on your computer..... oh yeah go ahead and make a electric fence, night vision, more border patrol ALL your going to do is give them more homework and pay raise to US border patrol....

    JUST to make myself clear I AM AGAINT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.... i am for a better way to manage the situation, there has to be a better way. i am for legalizing and making them pay for taxes, health care... ect

    .... and for the smart a*s people who want to correct me on my spellin... im writting on my HP touchscreen computer and yes i know i mispelled alot... my computer is probably an illegal japaneese because it mispells everyother word

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