
Are both our eyes different?

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Now, I don't have any problems when looking at things close up or from a afar. However, when I look at things through only one eye, I notice that the right eye is slightly stronger than the left eye.

Do most people have eyes which are different from one another?




  1. It is very rare that both eyes are the exact same.  There is almost always one eye that is better than the other.

  2. One of your eyes are dominant than the other in fact everyones is. If you shoot a gun you will notice that one is more acurate when you shoot. Though i dont know what you mean by different. If one is blurrier than you may have a lazy eye try covering the dominant eye and doing exercises like just reading simple things or playing games online. If its a huge difference than you should look into seeing a optometrist (eye doctor) but most often these things are normal and there isnt anything to worry about.

  3. Yes, just as your right hand and your left hand are different from each other adn do different things. Your eyes operate very much the same way. We usually have one that is doninant for near and one that is dominant for distance. They also  might have different muscle balance as well. It is funny how we humans think that we are so symmetrical, but we aren't at all in any way....look at an anatomy picture of our organs. Nothing is made the same on both sides.

  4. Yes, most people do. My right eye is quite a bit stronger than my left eye, but, then again, my eyes are deteriorating a bit.

    But, don't worry, most people have one eye that is stronger than the other.

  5. yes. every1 has a dominant evey. to find your dominant eye pick and object and focus on it. reach your arms out in front of you and form your hands into a triangle. put the object in the middle of the triangle. whichever eye your triangle or hands go to is your dominant eye. your arms will to either eye on your own unless you force them to go 2 the other eye


  6. Yes, also our eyes are not even the same size!

  7. i have that too! (with the same eyes as well) im having it checked out in a few weeks. mine isnt serious, just a slight blur in my left eye. (im guessing yours is similar?)

    -and no, not ALL people are this way, but most people dont have perfect eyes.

  8. Yes, your eyes are different. It's how they work together.

  9. Yes they do! Each eye has a different strength. My left eye sees distances better than my right eye, but my right sees up-close better. That is totally normal. But you may want to go to the optomitrist so you can get some contacts or glasses.

  10. This is typical; usually the side your dominant eye is on the same side of your dominant hand. It's actually the reverse for me: I'm right-handed and left-"eyed."

  11. Yeah, it's not uncommon. I wear contacts, and the prescription for my right eye is a lot stronger than the prescription for my left eye.

  12. Yes, eyes are very unique like fingerprints. I can see better with my left, and they're different shades of green.

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