
Are both siblings usually chosen?

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I am going to be a freshmen this fall and my sister is going to be a junior in high school. We are both trying out for volleyball. I am trying out for freshmen and she is trying out for JV. There is a very high chance that I will be chosen on the team because of minimal competition. But my sister has never been on the team before and she will have to compete against last year's freshmen and JV girls. She is pretty good at volleyball and has killer serves. Do you think that if one sibling is chosen for the team, then the other will probably be chosen too? Thank YOu so much.




  1. no it has nothing to do with that i've known twins who have gotten chosen for different teams one of them one got varsity cheerleading and the other on got cut from the squad

  2. that doesn't have anything to do with it, but serves are a big part of volleyball so that will probably help her and you guys can always practice together on your own time to help improve, if u think u are good enough then your sister probably will be too because u guys probably practice together and go to the same camps and are at similar skill levels. just think: do u think if u were a sophomore or a junior u would make jv

  3. NO it depends on your skill. because if every sibling just tried out and one was good and the other one was not so good then there wouldn't be a good team would there?

  4. Well, hopefully your school chooses on skill, not relationship.  But if you are good, chances are that you have played with your sister and she is good too.  Good luck, girls!

  5. being a sibling has nothing to do with it its how good you are

  6. No, that has nothing to do with it.

  7. No, I think it depends on how good the person is at the game. I mean a coach isn't going to put someone in just because they're related to another member of the team if they're not good at the game... that would just be dumb.

  8. That's called nepotism, and society generally frowns upon that.

    You will both be judged on your athletic skill and team work, like everyone else.  Or at least that's the way it should be, IMHO.

    Good Luck!  I was only ever good at serving.  Otherwise I was afraid of the ball ;-)

  9. I think it depends on the skillz

  10. No, they choose someone because they are good not beacuse they have sibblings that are good..sorry...

  11. It all depends on how good you two are.

  12. The short answer would be NO.

    ... and I am pretty sure that your sister would make the team.

    A "good" player with killer spike but not so serious at serving could be left off a team (I am serious), but a player with killer serve would always make the team as long as she doesn't throw too much attitude, and can get along with other team members.

    As the matter of fact, by stating that she has killer serve but never been on a team, you are telling everyone that she is "almost" as good as you are, so that if you can make the team, she should be able to make it with or without killer serve.

    Have fun playing volleyball.

  13. I would hope that skill is the main ingredient in selecting high school athletes for teams, but all too often it is not the case and can lead to anger, and distrust on the part of the rejected athlete. In several instances I have noticed that siblings do have the upper hand. Its like the coaches think that if one student is an outstanding athlete, all siblings must be too.  Nepotism, favorism, family interference all play a part in high school athletics. I wish it wasn't this way, but only school boards and Athletic Directors can change the policy. It is also difficult to prove that favortism won over unbias tryouts. You question was very good, but difficult to nail down. Good luck in everything you do, not just sports.

  14. no she will not make it just because you do

  15. The only way your sister makes the team because of you is if it is close.  If there is a decision between two players and one of them is your sister, she will probably make the team.  She will not make the team JUST because she is your sister.

  16. It's up to the coach.  It doesn't matter if you are siblings or not, everyone has a fair opportunity to make the team.  The players who work the hardest/and know what they are doing make it.

  17. If it is a fair coach, it will have to do with how well each of you play. duh

  18. yea i was on a varsity soccer team with one a senoir and the other a sopomore

  19. I don't think they are going to choose you based on if you are sisters or not i think they are going to choose based on if you can play or not. They want whats best for the team and if you too are sisters I really don't  think its going to change the decision they were going to make in the first place.

                             LOVE, MiiSS LOV3LY

  20. I think so. It would be really cool. She sounds really good, and if she didn't make it, she would be crushed.

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