
Are boys being brainwashed into feeling inferior to girls in school?

by Guest56878  |  earlier

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There are some very bitter men on here claiming that is the case.




  1. Guys don't get 'brainwashed'. Guys go through being played and being led on, to be treated badly. Many of us are treated into submission, then girls wonder why some of us lack confidence.

  2. ya it is true that both girls and boys hav equal access  to resources but the problem is not that ...but the problem is the treatment given to boys is very harsh there are mostly female teachers with whom the girls have better relationship than boys ........ they believe whatever the girls says ........ girls can easily hit boys but boys cant otherwise he will get punishment.........if a girl asks for help .......they give her help but if a boy ask for help they laughs at him.......all this gives boys two ways either to ran away from the school and spoil your future(thats why there are so many male criminal out there because they have dared to stop this nonsense)or hide all your pain inside your heart and that is what most males my freinds were also treated the same way when we were in high school ........ and after telling you all this i dont care if you label me "very very bitter  men" instead i would be glad to tell you the truth.....believe it or not..

  3. No.  They are just no longer brain-washed into feeling superior, simply by virtue of their gender.

  4. I maintain that boys today bear the brunt of resentment borne by women.  They are paying for the "excesses" of 1,000 generations of men who came before them.  Culturally speaking, the pendulum has swung a little too far in favoring females, and women and girls are basking and gloating in their new found prominence.  As a result, I don't think it's unreasonable to investigate whether this hubris might have a detrimental effect on children who happen to have penises.

  5. boys are being brainwashed into feeling inferior to girls in everything,and guess who's doing the brainwashing? feminists. Feminists tell their sons that just because they are boys they will never be good at anything.

    and if you think we are just because,they women are also bitter for complaining about sexism against you.

  6. I've never observed this.

    Tigersal--It's not true that the tasering would not have happened to a little girl. A little girl (eight yrs old) in my school district was tasered by a cop for "brandishing" a pencil.

  7. Most people are, most are also being indoctrinated into their thinking. Life is one big mind game after another, with pasties, puppet masters and the little toiling workers. Our lives are not much more different than an ant colony, yet humanity blindly follows their chieftain calmly in their horde; numbing their brains with a few cheap thrills along the way.  

  8. My brother always complained about having to do homework, not girls.

  9. Ow so that's where all the boys went during free period - To secret 'brainwashing' session! I knew it!

    I think that is a ridiculous claim! Is this yet another backlash from (adult) men who don't like the stats that girls are doing better than boys in school?

    It is a typical kind of unwarranted retaliation.....

  10. I haven't noticed that, although, it is possible depending on who's teaching.  

    Please answer mine...

  11. But, how could that be true?  The same guys here state that there have never been any harmful acculturations or negative messages or discouragements made against girls that have held girls back academically and that if there are any such negative influences then it's just the girls fault for being so weak as to fall under the pressure of negative social messages.  Are boys saying they are too weak to rise as well as girls do in equal opportunity, especially considering how well girls have risen in the last thirty years in blatantly sexist environments?  What boy today is told he can't take a math class because he doesn't have female genitalia?  What boy today gets locked-out of college degree programs or careers?  What boys today are called "lesbos" for having an interest in science?  It sounds to me like they're saying they cut the mustard without the unfair advantages.  How "chivalrous".

  12. Not brain washed.. I'd say "bullied". You know how high school and middle school girls behave. They're complete and total b*****s. Then add to that, the delayed maturity level of men (while we mature better in the end).

    So some men DO have a hard time in school. The system (thanks to feminism) is designed to BOOST girls while ignoring boys and leaving them to "sink or swim".

  13. No I think it's done mostly via the media.    

    Have you heard about 5 year old boys being stun gunned by the police in the principals office (Yahoo news-according to the police "he was walking towards me and looked menacing.")  

    That won't happen to a 5 year old girl.  I watched cartoons with my son and he would say "why are girls so mean?"  The cartoons (Billy, Mandy & Grim & there are many more) showed the sister beating up the brother & verbally trashing him.)

    In Kindergarten, when my son refused the advances of a girl, she got others to kick my son under the desk.  When my son kicked back, he was suspended.  Do girls get away with more at school today?  

    Are boys punished more harshly even though girls might have instigated the event?  Btw, why are men bitter for expressing their opinion?  Does that make women bitter for expressing theirs?

    Or are only women allowed to have an opinion?  When we start to prejudge one s*x/race/religion as being wrong, where does one draw the line?  Should the "other" be viewed as a criminal and/or hater for freedom of speech?

  14. To a degree that is the case, coming from a man who is not bitter. This should be a logical conclusion being that most teachers are women, so children do not experience adult men too often in the school environment. I don't think female teachers are consciously attempting to make boys feel inferior but many certainly do not understand or tolerate normal male behavior. Many give girls preferential treatment because they can be better relate on a personal level. I've spent a lot of time with children and personally know that many boys feel as if the teachers are pushing their personal agendas upon them and hold them to a higher standard of behavior.

  15. Definitely not in the schools I am affiliated with that my grandchildren attend or at the University.  Out of my nine living grandchildren, two boys are in the gifted program and two girls are in the gifted program.  Two of the boys are in sports and one of the girls.  The others are too young.

    My sons were leaders in their school as was my daughter.  I do not think any of them felt inferior in any way.

  16. The results of high school examinations do not show this to be true. Boys achieve excellent results at about the same rate as girls do.

    This inidcates that girls have improved their performances, while boys have remained at a high level.

    Can't see the problem with that, actually. All students having equal access to resources, courses and areas of study is a great benefit to our community as a whole.

    We need skilled, intelligent people in our society, and both boys and girls should share the opportunity to have a sound education.

    It's true boys do face some challenges in mid-high school level, and that's where having some male teachers in the system would help. But if men won't and don't train as teachers, I'm not actually sure how women can 'fix' that.

    Cheers :-)

  17. Oh I hope not.

    That'd be a bummer.

  18. I don't think brainwashing is the appropriate word though there is something to that effect occurring. I don't think it's intentional but I do think it happens.

    When most of the boys usually get in trouble for being themselves and most of the girls are praised, that will make the boys feel inferior. Classroom have been transformed to benefit girls more than boys.

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