
Are boys better than Girls?

by Guest58330  |  earlier

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The advantages or disadvantages of each gender...




  1. Boys have penises


    Girls have giners


    'nuff said

  2. This is the Royalty section.  You will get a better response to  your question in another section.  Polls and Surveys might be a good choice.

  3. Well, If this is for class then I would go with the whole ying yang thing. Completely different but have some of each in one another. That's how we co-exist. Is one necessary better than on another? I wouldn't say that. Were more or less equal.

  4. both r equal.......both have advantages and disadvantages .......

  5. I suppose it hinges upon your tastes......

  6. V. saucy, Kaitlen!

    Girls are better for milk, becus it comes in such cute containers...

    ( - But shouldn't your 'D' be a 'B' ? - if this was Wikipedia I'd edit it for you.)

  7. girls are better, we bring people into this world, we can flirt our way out of trouble, we can paly mind games, we are s**y to most men if we kiss another girl, we can do three things at once ect.

  8. We all have our goods and bads,but genders are just too different too compare, basically boys and girls are opposites.

    Boys are better than girls in some fields yet girls are better than boys at others...

  9. No.  Neither gender is "better".  They are complimentary and both have their advantages and disadvantages.

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