
Are boys better than girls at sport?

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what do you think? why do you think that?




  1. Yes. Because we are more physically dominant and aggressive and it is a pursuit we have engaged in for far longer time. That being said: women tend to have more patience in regards to technique based requirements and lower body power (this is due to a woman's hip structure compared to a mans).

    An example: I participated in rowing throughout my entire time in high school. I had the privilege of receiving coaching from individuals heavily involved in the W.A.I.S and A.I.S, ex King's Cup participants and Olympic level athletes. All of them said women make better rowers than men due to the reasons I stated in my prior paragraph. The only downside is you can't yell/abuse them like male squad members as they don't handle it that well.

    Would they a beat a time set by men of an equivalent level? Most likely no. But this is no reason why they should not/ could not participate ot compete. I currently train in Muay Thai and I got plenty of females in my gym that can kick some serious a$$.

  2. not necessarily like take a women's pro wrestler vs. peewee herman, who do you think would win hm?

  3. no, boys just try harder, most girls dont think its right for them to play footy but they are actually good at it (well, would be if they practised)

  4. i do think boy are better (on average), but then we do try harder. Girls don't seem to get into sport so much but when they do they can be just as good as (maybe better than) a boy.

  5. yep

  6. let me answer this question with two more; can boys do the uneven bars in gymnastics better than girls? (for the record, no. it would be an embarrassing mess). can girls dodge dwight freeney on a run pattern better than  boys? (that embarrassing mess thing again...) ask martina navratilova this question. ask sheryl miller. and reggie miller, and bobby riggs. my point is simple. each individual makes a decision to be an athlete. when they do, they are limited only by their own doubts. neither is better than the other, but both will excel with belief. does that make sence?

  7. depends on the sport e.g. more girls are suited to gymnastics etc

  8. psssht no girls can do anything guys can and we can do it better

  9. both boys and girls are equal

  10. No way!!! Girls can do anything boys can and sometimes even better than they can!! It's a very touchy topic for me. But girls all the way!

  11. yes we males are genetically superior

  12. naturally, because we are built with more muscle

    its like comparing apples to oranges though, thats why women play in the wnba and men play in the nba

  13. no way. more girls are even going to the olymics now and are having exceptions made for them in sports

  14. Boys naturally have lower body fat and higher muscle mass.  Of course I don't mean every single boy compared to every single girl, it's just an overall difference between the sexes due to evolutionary biological reasons.

    Considering that most sports require lower body fat and higher muscle mass, it seems natural that in general men are better at sports.

    There are also social reasons, such as it being less accepted for women to be good at sports, therefore leading to less women trying to perform well.  Look at it this way, in our society a muscular man is considered attractive, whereas a muscle-bound woman is intimidating and "manly" to many men.

  15. i depends on the sport

    i dont think we should judge things

    on sexes

  16. It really depends on the sport. boys have better hand i coordination, they suit cricket or football better. girls can multi task, they suit sports like tennis or net ball where they concentrate on running and throwing/hitting

  17. Here, I'll answer you're question...

    Men basketball vs Women basketball ---- Men

    Men swimming vs Women swimming ---- Men

    Men running vs Women running ---- Men

    ....And so on.  Basically if there are professional sports that are played in a men and women league.  The men are always better.  100% of the time.

  18. Are you serious..... its called genetics!!! Women are better than men at some things and men are better than women at others. Sports being one for the men. Men are genetically more prone to be competitive and are stronger.... Also smarter, but i wont go into that

  19. Any Doubt?

  20. Look at My pic of course I am

  21. no. I think girls can be strong more than boys. for example, my friend (girl) at school won by my friend (boy) at sprinting sport!!! besides of sports, our country Indonesia... the third president is a girl, her name is Megawati Soekarno Putri!!!

  22. Men are GENERALLY physically stronger, so in any sport requiring a lot of strength, men will GENERALLY be better (like football). Women are more flexible and have better balance. Really just depends on the sport and the two people you're comparing, I'm not much of the athletic type so I'm sure plenty of women could whoop me in any given sport ;)

  23. In general...YES!  But,  there are many females that are better at sports than many males.

  24. Easily, because they just are.  Guys are built for sports and physical activities, so they're naturally better at them.

    EDIT: lol...Only the girls say that they're better.  Figures...

  25. no

    most guys play sports

    but the girls that do play r usually much much better

    dont think that at all

    i get my but kicked by friends at school that are girls

  26. depends on the boy and the sport

  27. no way. everyone is equal!

  28. Well it depends

  29. its true boys are "better:" than girls just from a physical stand point; put a 16 year old girl and a 16 year old boy against eachother....The boy will win....but that doesn't mean girls can't be BAs at sports.

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