
Are boys more active in the womb than girls?

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I'm almost 19 weeks pregnant and I've had 2 ultrasounds, needless to say, the baby moved where we could not find out what the s*x was. But, this baby is so active. My first child (girl) did not move this much. Are boys more active in the womb than girls?




  1. I am currently pregnant with twins.... a boy and girl. My girl moves all the time while my boy only moves right before i go to sleep....

  2. Mine was actually the opposite. The girl (first) was more active than the boy (second). He's 4 months old now and STILL much more laid back than his sister (a HUGE drama queen!).

  3. No, every baby is different and the s*x has nothing to do with it.  You can have 2 boys one really active and the other not and same with girls, it is different with every baby.


    whats with all the thumbs down to everyone?!

  4. Nope, but every pregnancy is different and every baby has his own distinct personality.

    It has nothing to do with him being a boy, rather than a girl, but just the fact that he's different.

    I've got a very lazy baby boy.

  5. It is one of them things that is a bit impossible to tell just from how active they are.

    I suggest that if your thinking about given them a name, that you choose and boy and a girl name and then apply to what ever they become when they are born.

    Don't drink coffee and tea while pregnant.

    PS - What is wrong with what I siad above.

    I would have thought this would be an inevitable thought to cross ones mind eventually.

  6. I have borne only boys and they both were hyper-active,  kicking about so much that I was afraid people could actually see them!

    But since I don't have any experience with the girls I can't say for sure.  Neither do I know of any studies done to either confirm or refute the claim...

    So at the most this remains a poll.  

  7. i would think they are  the same active it just depends on what you eat

    sugar coffee anything like that will get them bouncing

  8. i'm having a girl and i swear, she doesn't stop moving for a second.

  9. Not really sure, if there is a way to tell between boys and girls on their movements in the womb, my son was pretty quiet in there, and he only would move late at night when I was trying to sleep.  

  10. I don't think so, I am 25 weeks now and pregnant with my first which is a girl and she is active 24/7, it took my doctor forever to see as she wouldn't sit still for even a moment. Being my first I never expected her to be so active, so I think it is all in the personality of the child

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