
Are braces unavoidable?

by  |  earlier

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I have a cross bite, and the dentist only told me about it a year ago. He didn't say anything but that I should get a consultation, and I know that one of my teeth is a little crowded and overlaps maybe a teensy bit. It doesn't seem like it's too bad... but they did reccomend that I see the orthodontist.

So, what do you think?




  1. Well, it really depends. Braces can hurt a lot and are a lot of work, But sometimes they can be, but your situation doesn't seem that bad.

  2. If i were you i would get braces you may hate it for a couple of years but the older you get the worse they will look .. and just think in a few years time you will have gorgeous teeth.

  3. You should go and see an orthodontist. Usually the initial visit at the orthodontist is free as long as they don't take diagnostic records.

    You say that your dentist said you have a cross-bite(teeth are on the wrong side). A cross-bite will not correct itself. There are 2 categories for getting braces. One,is a cosmetic issue that you want corrected, such as "crooked teeth". The 2nd is, is it a dental health issue, such as a cross bite. A cross bite is best to get corrected at a younger age. The palate at a younger age is actually 2 separate bones. The appliance that will be used to correct a cross bite is called a RPE or a rapid palatal expander. It will help to correct the cross bite.

    You have a parent make an appointment for you just to get an evaluation.

    I see many people have suggested invisalign. Invisalign more than likely will not be able to correct your crossbite. Plus it depends on how much crowding you have if you are even an invisalign canidate.

  4. it always pays to get them fixed. you never know what complications they can cause as you get older with molars (depending on how old you are). and it's always nice to have a perfect smile.

  5. id get them. if you dont now, u will wish u did when u get older.

  6. just get em

    there pretty much nothing and the crowding can cause problems when ur older

  7. you can get something called invisalign. i had it and its great! you can't see it and you can remove it to eat! its a great alternative to braces! check it out!

  8. Take the plunge. Misaligned teeth are more likely to develop gum disease later in life. A beautiful smile is like one of those impossibly effective makeovers you see on TV! Take care of your mouth...people judge you by your smile and you'll have so much more confidence knowing that when you smile at someone, they'll see your confidence and friendliness, not your dental woes. Fix your smile to the degree you can afford and science allows. You'll never regret it. If it makes you feel any better, I just put $6000 of my own money into making my teeth stay healthier, and I'm contemplating putting another few $K into making them look better. I really sympathize with you and hope you'll do what needs to be done. Good luck and best wishes for a beautiful smile, sweetie!  

  9. You should go in for a consultation. They have lots of options nowadays. My sister had a series of invisible retainers that she wore mostly at night to move her teeth. Also, they have invisible braces now. There's lots of options; if you don't like one don't feel pressured to be perfect. I bet lots of places offer free consultations.

  10. I understand this may not really answer your question that's in bold, but I wanted to offer a bit of encouragement.  I spent a lot of years in braces, and it was painful . . . but I am SO VERY GLAD that I did it.  My teeth would have been very crooked and I probably would have many problems with the health of my teeth, and problems with speech.  

    By what you are describing, it doesn't seem like you would be in braces for very long.  If I can live through the pain (I'll admit, I'm a huge wimp) and still be glad I did it, I bet you'll be ok if you decide to go to an orthodontist.

  11. Well yes but they´re worth it. I am wearing braces and I hated the thought of it too but my mom bought some that are kind of invisible and you can only see the wire (you can´t see it from... a foot away cool) and they don´t need bands either so ask 4 those (they´re faster too I have had them for two months and they´ve done a year´s worth of improvment. (they hurt the first two months but it´s the same with all of them).

  12. instead of the metal braces try getting a consult for invisalign. i had those for about a year and a half. they are just clear trays that you wear when you are not eating or brushing.  

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