
Are british white people?

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If so how come i have seen there loads of very dark skinned with deep dark hair and brown eyes?I though they all would be blond and blue eyed as every north europe nation so ...are they white?




  1. Many of those people you see are Irish. British people tend to have brown hair and blue eyes. And they are all white

  2. I have no idea, but I think it's their own decision and not your business.

  3. lol not all white ppl have light hair and eyes moron.

    european = white.

    today there are differences in ethnicity and nationality thanks to immigration, emmigration, people mixing cultures and lands, etc.

    are british people white as in of european ethnicity?

    h**l yes. all ethnically british ppl are white (the british bit at least. white ppl tend to be mutts these days. thats good i guess?)

    however now theres **** loads more of nationally british people. thats anyone whos a citizen of britain regardless of their ethnicity (of course its not a country i hope you know that. you may be thinking of english...).

    its just like america and most other developed countries in the world.

    ethnically im african. nationally im american. get how it works now?  

  4. most english are brunettes. a lot of scots and irish do have redheads and blondes. welsh have a few blondes too but most are quite pale without tan so i don't know where you are looking

  5. Anyone that is born in Britain and/or is a British citizen and has British values to me is British the colour is irrelevant but I can kinda see how some people have the misconception that most of Europe is white with Blonde hair and Blue eyes because that's been a highly publicised image of Europe in some places. I think you may mean why do some people have Brunette hair well like I said there are Brunette people in Sweden it's just that the media has given you the image of them having Blonde hair.

  6. I am Welsh which is next to england we are all white here with black, brown , blonde and Ginger hair.There are a few black people living in London from other countries but people who are born here are white unless we have been abroad somewhere and have a tan. We are like Americans only paler.

  7. Emigration. Countries that were colonized by Britain emigrated to the UK. English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish people are white. But if you are British, you are a citizen of Britain.

  8. Fake tan?

    Dyed hair?

  9. .......No, that's Poland?

    If you were born in England then you are considered British. So no, theycan be any colour.

  10. Okay heres the deal: a British person means a person with stated british myself. and can be from anywere in the world.


    Your talking about english people who are white.

    so your answer is that english people are white yes, and british people come in all colours...

    Hope this helped =]

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